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Thread: Just Sometimes it is your tools

  1. #1
    Bladesmith by Knight Adam G.'s Avatar
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    Default Just Sometimes it is your tools

    i am always impressed with the general camaraderie amongst members of this forum, but never forget Aussie Mateship.
    i began shaving with a straight razor 30 years ago. SHarpened knives for longer than that and honed razors for the last 10.
    i struggled on with some chinese waterstones at first, then bought a Norton 4/8 about 7 years ago.
    Every once in a while i get stuck on a razor that takes forever to get right. This happened recently on a razor i was honing for someone. So i called Stu and he said come on down!
    Stu walked the razor through a Chosera 1K, Norton 4/8, then a 12K progression and it worked beautifully. Thanks to Stu's generosity i realised sometimes you can be limited by your tools, not necessarily by your skill.
    So i pulled the trigger on a Super Naniwa 1K and a 12K to add to my trusty Norton 4/8. i have honed a few razors now, and re-honed some of my personal ones and found that every single one now passes the hanging hair test, and more importantly, shaves smoothly.
    This TI razor i took on honing as a paid job for someone. As with many TIs i have had the chance to shave with, this one seemed very "grabby". i walked it through the Naniwa 1K, then Norton 4K then 8K, then Naniwa 12K followed by CrOx on balsa and then smooth horsehide strop. Now it passes the hanging hair test and shaves silky smooth.
    This was achieved in a much shorter time and with far less frustration. If not for Stu's generous sharing of knowledge and equipment i might never have gotten to this.
    Keep on Sharing All. We all benefit from it.
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  2. #2
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    The newer TI's really like the Naniwa SS, I usually use the whole set, but it really is the 12k that brings out the song..

    ps: I have the older Pink Naniwa and as everyone knows it is a 12,001K
    Adam G., Disburden and pfries like this.

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