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  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Montana, USA
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    Default Hello from Great Falls MT

    Hello, Im a new to straight razors. I have always used multi-bladed cartridge razors and decided to try something different. During this summer I watched a friend of my use his straight razor for shaving and my interest was definitely peaked. So I decided to go for it and ordered a razor from straight razor designs. Its a dovo best quality 5/8 razor. I read alot here in the forum and found a bunch of useful information, Thanks to all the different information I found here its been a good experience. After a few times of doing some small strokes with the razor, I decided to go for it and do my first full shave. Man does it feel good! A few small bleeders but nothing that a styptic pen wouldn't stop right away.

    During the shave I did however run into a few odd spots. I'm right handed dominant but have good eye sight in my left eye and not the greatest in my right eye. Any tips or anything that might help with shaving the right side of my face/neck? Any way, thanks for all the information about razors and making it easier to transition to straights instead of cartridge razors!

  2. #2
    Senior Member blabbermouth Leatherstockiings's Avatar
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    Welcome to SRP.

    I wear glasses and have struggled with a couple of places where I have to take the glasses off to reach a spot. I learned to use a very light touch in those spots I could not see well.

  3. #3
    Junior Member
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    Thank you for the reply I appreciate it. I'm learning that it does really require a light touch, which I need more practice on especially in the areas I can't see really well.

  4. #4
    Hones & Honing randydance062449's Avatar
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    Welcome to SRP

    Since my eyesight is also not what it used to be I have found it useful to pay more attention to the "feel" of the shave and not rely so much on sight. It will take some practice & time but you will get there.

    I did a search of the SRP member list by using this search screen......

    and entered Montana in the Location field. You could try using mt instead or a major city name.
    You have some company in your state.

    and watch the following Forum for Razor meets in your area

    Get Togethers and Meetings

    Enjoy the journey,
    Randolph Tuttle, a SRP Mentor for residents of Minnesota & western Wisconsin

  5. #5
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    From the honorable Randydance:
    Since my eyesight is also not what it used to be I have found it useful to pay more attention to the "feel" of the shave and not rely so much on sight. It will take some practice & time but you will get there."

    This is really true and will get you further down the road faster than relying on sight. We're so used to paying attention to the feel of a tool in our hand as it works. Here, the first feedback is from the face. Its not a natural switch to transition to paying very close attention to the feel of the blade (espec the point) on the skin.

    Enjoy your entry into wonderful shaves.

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