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Thread: More a returning member than a new one

  1. #11
    (John Ayers in SRP Facebook Group) CaliforniaCajun's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NotMuchOfAChin View Post
    Well, it's been a couple of years since I was last here, and you know what? I still can't use a straight razor. Redundancy, debt and unemployment saw me disappear from online shenanigans in an effort to curb spending and focus on other things. Rather than continue learning to use my new (at the time) Dovo razor, I instead opted for cultivating a beard once more. But the time of the beard is now in the past. Now is the time of a cleanly shaven face (with the exception of the goatee as I still get really unnerved when I see my lack of a chin in the mirror).

    And so it's back to my original goal. Finding a strop that's good enough to maintain my razor, while not costing so much money that I weep uncontrollably when my inexperienced stropping technique gouges chunks from its surface.
    Welcome back. This is a real nice community of online friends, and we get a kick out of helping each other. Every time I ask for advice someone has an idea I never thought about that is very useful.

    I've been through the unemployment blues myself and know first hand how stressful this is. I've also been through the same stropping difficulties and I learned that as you gain experience it becomes easier to discipline yourself to slow down and take your time. I cut my strop most often when I'm going too fast and when I'm overly tired, so I have learned to avoid stropping if I feel rushed or tired.

    One thing I've found is that once you get the straight shaving down, it's a great stress buster. It's valuable "me" time that is a very unique and special experience.

    Never give up if you have the desire to become a straight shaver. It took me two years to master it, which is longer than it takes most people, but I'm both clumsy and determined!

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    Straight razor shaver and loving it!
    40-year survivor of electric and multiblade razors

  2. #12
    Member NotMuchOfAChin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bombay View Post
    they're not even 2 inches wide, i would not recommend them to a beginner.

    what is your budget? the £20 strop on strop-shop is 17 inches long and will last you a lifetime, if you get that small strop you will only spend more money later on replacing it. if you really want a material side as well there is instructions in the wiki for making one with old jeans
    Hm, a compelling alternative. I'll head off and investigate the wiki.

    And thanks everyone for all your replies.

  3. #13
    Senior Member blabbermouth 10Pups's Avatar
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    I got a cheap strop in a cheap kit and stopped using it as quick as I could. regular pain in the ...... You might consider just buying the smoothest piece of leather you can find and lay it on something flat. I did that almost a year ago and I still use it. Even though I make strops for friends in latigo, veg tan cow, and horse. I got a piece of horse 18" x 3" for 10 USD. You must have leather over there.
    Good judgment comes from experience, and experience....well that comes from poor judgment.

  4. #14
    Senior Member Optometrist's Avatar
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    Welcome back to SRP

    "Difficulties mastered are opportunities won" - Winston Churchill

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