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Thread: Trying a straight.

  1. #1
    Junior Member Recluse's Avatar
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    Default Trying a straight.

    Hey all. I've been wetshaving for awhile now. Been shaving with DE blades for the better part of the last 6-7 years, though I did take a break and was shaving with a Schick Hydro5 for a year and a half or so on a regular basis because a job I had required that I travel all the time and it was just simply easier to toss that into a bag than all my wetshaving gear, heck, didn't even really use any shave cream with it, was just looking to keep the beard cut down enough to satisfy occasional work 'no facial hair' requirements.

    Anyway, so I've been wetshaving, like I said, for awhile now and decided I was going to give a straight a try. I tried it once back shortly after I started wetshaving and didn't even really give it a fair shot, started one shave, had a little trouble getting it to shave, got nervous, and put it up and haven't used it since. Decided to give it another go and stick with it this time even if I have to take some time building up to a full shave with one and use a combination of the straight and my DEs until that point.

    I placed an order with Straight Razor Designs for the Ralph Aust 5/8 razor and strop kit, upgrading to the 3" strop and included the DVD to give me a little guidance on it all this time. I still have the straight from when I tried the first time put away but I'm not sure what its like after this time and figure it'd almost certainly need to be looked at by someone capable of putting a proper edge on it again.

    Now I'm just waiting for the shipment to come so I can watch the DVD and start the journey.

  2. #2
    Senior Member blabbermouth Leatherstockiings's Avatar
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    Welcome to the forum!
    I have an Aust 5/8 from SRD and have been very happy with it. SRD ships pretty fast so you probably won't have long to wait.

  3. #3
    Senior Member blabbermouth Haroldg48's Avatar
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    I think you made some good choices, with the 5/8 Aust and the strop. It's just easier if you start "right". I'd add in a good soap and a decent brush. You don't need to break the bank, just try a few soaps or creams that people suggest and a brush, which I assume you have. I also can't say enough about the DVD's helpfulness. I pull it out to watch sections regularly, and it has been beyond helpful. Every time I have an issue I go back and look at that section again. The quality is much better than the Youtube posts, as is the completeness. Sometimes I feel like I'm a shill for Lynn, but I'm not...I'm new at this too and just have found it super helpful to see someone going through the steps the right way, and showing all the options, supply wise.

    By the way, it takes time to get good, but man is it fun, once you pass the initial frustrating parts of wondering, "What am I doing wrong?" I'm now in about 2-3 months, saving 3-5 times/week with a SR and I'm still getting better, and expect to continue making more discoveries.

  4. The Following User Says Thank You to Haroldg48 For This Useful Post:

    Recluse (09-08-2013)

  5. #4
    Junior Member Recluse's Avatar
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    Thanks guys.

    Harold, no worries about the brush and shave soaps. I've got those under control from using my DEs. Currently have 6 soaps/creams from QED, Crabtree and Evelyn, and Taylor. Don't know other people's views of those, but I've found all three brands work quite well for me. I at one point had more but I've moved several times and the others were pared down in trying to keep from moving stuff I wasn't much using. Most of the ones I've left behind either didn't work well for me, smelled unpleasant to me, or just weren't anything special enough to use more than once in a blue moon. As for brushes I've got 2, a silvertip and a pure. Both work quite well for me. Since I figured I currently have those under control, I didn't feel like adding to them currently. My storage space currently is quite limited so I'm trying to keep to things I know are useful and reduce the amount of stuff that just collects dust.
    edhewitt and Haroldg48 like this.

  6. #5
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Hey, welcome to the forum. I know exactly what you mean about getting nervous on the first shave. Sounds like you have it all organized pretty well for your second start. Just take your time and be patient, you will be rewarded.

    Life is a terminal illness in the end

  7. The Following User Says Thank You to BobH For This Useful Post:

    Recluse (09-08-2013)

  8. #6
    Senior Member blabbermouth Haroldg48's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BobH View Post
    Hey, welcome to the forum. I know exactly what you mean about getting nervous on the first shave. Sounds like you have it all organized pretty well for your second start. Just take your time and be patient, you will be rewarded.

    I agree...good for you, Recluse!

  9. #7
    Senior Member blabbermouth RezDog's Avatar
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    It may be a good time to send the old straight out for a tune up. Two is a great number to start with, but be careful, they breed!
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  10. #8
    barba crescit caput nescit Phrank's Avatar
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    Hey - welcome aboard!

    Had a great shave just a couple hours ago!

    Just remember, it's all about the fun...and it's a lot of fun!!


  11. #9
    Senior Member Headcrowny's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Recluse View Post
    Hey all. I've been wetshaving for awhile now. Been shaving with DE blades for the better part of the last 6-7 years, though I did take a break and was shaving with a Schick Hydro5 for a year and a half or so on a regular basis because a job I had required that I travel all the time and it was just simply easier to toss that into a bag than all my wetshaving gear, heck, didn't even really use any shave cream with it, was just looking to keep the beard cut down enough to satisfy occasional work 'no facial hair' requirements.

    Anyway, so I've been wetshaving, like I said, for awhile now and decided I was going to give a straight a try. I tried it once back shortly after I started wetshaving and didn't even really give it a fair shot, started one shave, had a little trouble getting it to shave, got nervous, and put it up and haven't used it since. Decided to give it another go and stick with it this time even if I have to take some time building up to a full shave with one and use a combination of the straight and my DEs until that point.

    I placed an order with Straight Razor Designs for the Ralph Aust 5/8 razor and strop kit, upgrading to the 3" strop and included the DVD to give me a little guidance on it all this time. I still have the straight from when I tried the first time put away but I'm not sure what its like after this time and figure it'd almost certainly need to be looked at by someone capable of putting a proper edge on it again.

    Now I'm just waiting for the shipment to come so I can watch the DVD and start the journey.
    That's EXACTLY what I got from them, just a few days back. Followed up by a whole buncha hones (which came in surprisingly handy already). It's a WAY different feel than a DE and I can easily see how one could get overconfident. I've only tried thrice, and this latest time the whole face (10 minutes ago, in fact). It seemed so easy and foolproof, just move the blade and it rides of the skin.

    But ... beware overconfidence! (not speaking from experience here, happily, but it's pretty clear what that blade can do if you move just the teensiest bit longitudinally. Egads!
    edhewitt and Haroldg48 like this.

  12. #10
    Senior Member blabbermouth edhewitt's Avatar
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    Welcome to the forum, I like you try to limit the amount of stuff I amass, though be warned we are in a minority here.
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