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Thread: Greetings from Arkansas!

  1. #1
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    Default Greetings from Arkansas!


    Been poking around this site and that trying to soak up as much know-how as possible. I hail from Arkansas. 36 years of age, been a husband for near on 8 of those years and a father for about 14 months. I've always had a hankerin for traditional skills such as woodworkin, blacksmithin, farmin, huntin, and fishin. I just figured it was only natural progression to throw in a proper traditional shave. Anyways, bein on the tight budget that I am, I am always lookin for a good deal. Lookin for mainly just a shave ready razor and strop that won't break the bank... and the bank is very fragile. I figure if the art of shavin sets good with me, I may just invest in some proper equipment. Thanks again for havin me on this very informative site.

  2. #2
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    Welcome to SRP! Enjoy your time here.

  3. #3
    May your bone always be well buried MickR's Avatar
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    Welcome to the forum mate. A couple of ideas for doing things on the cheap, Try hunting up a razor at antique places or flea markets. A bit tricky, but do a little research on good makes and you might score well. Send it off to be honed properly. Make your own strop.

    Another cheap option is to look at Whipped Dog Straight Razor Shaving Equipment . Best of luck to you, and don't be afraid to ask question or post any issues you come up against.


  4. #4
    Senior Member blabbermouth edhewitt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ArkansasJ View Post

    Been poking around this site and that trying to soak up as much know-how as possible. I hail from Arkansas. 36 years of age, been a husband for near on 8 of those years and a father for about 14 months. I've always had a hankerin for traditional skills such as woodworkin, blacksmithin, farmin, huntin, and fishin. I just figured it was only natural progression to throw in a proper traditional shave. Anyways, bein on the tight budget that I am, I am always lookin for a good deal. Lookin for mainly just a shave ready razor and strop that won't break the bank... and the bank is very fragile. I figure if the art of shavin sets good with me, I may just invest in some proper equipment. Thanks again for havin me on this very informative site.
    Apologies for being so tardy (i hope that means late), and welcome. What sort of.budget are we looking at?
    Bread and water can so easily become tea and toast

  5. #5
    Senior Member Johnus's Avatar
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    Agree with MickR. Being in the birth state of Johnny Cash you should be able to find someone near by to help.
    If your barber can't help you might want to start with a Shavette.
    Name:  ImageUploadedByTapatalk1384873806.003301.jpg
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    Similar to this one. Should be able to get a Shavette and DE for under 15$. This way you can learn and not worry about a stone or strop until later. (You'll always have a sharp blade to shave with.
    MickR likes this.

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