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Thread: New member from the Great North (MN)

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  1. #1
    Senior Member DualNature's Avatar
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    Default New member from the Great North (MN)

    Good Evening,
    Im new to this forum, i found it through a google search as i have been fascinated by straight razor shaving ever since i was a child. (im 20 now)
    I hope to properly learn how to shave with a straight razor without ever cutting myself, i currently used an old Gillette safety razor and have never to date cut myself.
    I suppose id better go find some wood and knock on it quick..
    Anywho, I have been fascinated with things of old, my great grandfaters generation, ever since i was a little boy. The music, dancing, cars, even cigars. So naturally i was drawn to the lore of straight razor shaving. Back when people did everything with pride and to their best ability, even something as basic as a shave. Now a days everyone is in such a hurry, shaving has become a chore and a contest for companies to make the fastest shaving razor yet.. Just like everything else. I wish i could have experienced the old days.. Back when you took pride in your car, and would cruise just to cruise. To have a good time, rather than to make good time, back when men where men and woman where proud of it.
    Well, i have gotten my hands on everything else so far. I have the car (although, its more dads generation, its a 77), I have the cigars, listen to the classics, like Sinatra, Cash, and Elvis. Now the next step is shaving with a straight razor.

    I started out shaving 2 years ago, with a Gillette Mach5. It was decent, and far better than electric which is what my dad prefers. However, it just wasnt quite the same. So, i ended up getting my hands on an old Gillette safety razor thats more than likely closer to my grandfathers age than mine. Its a great razor, but again.. its not quite a straight razor. This was about a month ago when i started using it. With the Mach5 i shaved dry, piece of cake. My face took to it after a few days, and it seemed to work just as well. Turns out, this isnt so nice with a single blade.. Just glad i learned with my safety rather than my straight
    So, id like to find a good straight razor that someone would be willing to trade, wish me luck
    Nathan, AKA Dual Nature

  2. #2
    Senior Member blabbermouth RezDog's Avatar
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    Welcome. This place has a great wealth of knowledge. Perhaps you could have a wonder through the wiki. Keepyour eye on the classified if you are looking for used razors. There is a vendor section to pick up some of the other stuff

  3. #3
    Senior Member blabbermouth eddy79's Avatar
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    Hi and welcome. As said check out the library as is has all the info required to give you an idea what you need and how its done. The search at the top will also be helpful. Type in your key words and all the related threads will come up. Read lots as its not like any other kind of shaving and getting nicked is almost a right of passage. Just like nicking up your first strop. Good luck and any questions feel free to ask and everyone will help as they may.
    My wife calls me......... Can you just use Ed

  4. #4
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Dually, Welcome.
    Yup, you landed in the right place. Your enthusiam(s) can/will be both your friend and your enemy. That will make more sense in a month or so.

    The guys tell ya right - bone up on the beginning stuff. The first shave link on the home page is hard to improve upon. When starting - there are a gajillion things that will catch your attention and distract you from the business at hand. That's the shave technique itself - from that link mentioned above, making lather & beard prep, and stropping. Learn those 3 things well and you're home. You'll probably learn way faster than I, but those 3 critical basic things will bring you the joy faster than any excursions into other topics.

    Now this part is big. If Kerkhoven is within an hour or two's drive of St. Paul, you'll want to connect w/ the honorable Randydance. To say he's experienced is fair. More importantly, he's friendly towards teaching guys. When I started, I asked a similar experienced guy if I could *pay* for instruction. Its that helpful. Randy just gives the help to a willing student. It will greatly accelerate your learning curve.

    It probably won't be long & you'll be posting joyful threads about getting the best shaves of your life. Some will smile, others will cheer. I'll be one of them.

  5. #5
    "My words are of iron..."
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    Quote Originally Posted by pinklather View Post
    Dually, Welcome.
    ...If Kerkhoven is within an hour or two's drive of St. Paul, you'll want to connect w/ the honorable Randydance. To say he's experienced is fair. ...It will greatly accelerate your learning curve. ...
    Welcome. This is a terrible addiction. Someone should warn you off just so we can all sleep a minute better at night knowing that at least it was said to you.

    Randy is one of the most efficient at getting you hooked and keeping you fascinated by all the varieties of stuff that accompany razors and shaving, all the while the tentacles of the craft wind their way thoroughly around your soul. Minnesota probably has one of the most concentrated straight-razor shaving ghettoes in the world because of him. Don't let that beat up little pickup truck fool you.

    Run, now, while you still can. If you look too long, it will be too late for you. If Randy wants you to sign something and is trying to wet his pen in the blood you have from a fresh razor cut, my conscience is clear.

    32t likes this.

  6. #6
    Hones & Honing randydance062449's Avatar
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    Send me a PM or email any time. I will send you my contact info via PM.
    Sorry I am so late in seeing this thread.
    Randolph Tuttle, a SRP Mentor for residents of Minnesota & western Wisconsin

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