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  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Default Greetings from the Wet Coast!

    Hey gang! Joe here from Vancouver, BC. Not my first trip around SRP, per se, but first day as a member. Last Christmas, my brother gifted me a straight and a strop set which turned out to be from one of the "do not buy" companies. I did my best and managed to strop it sharp enough to get through 1/3 of a shave but I lost interest in stropping 3 times per shave. My gf, seeing my eyes peruse SRD and other straight retailers, gifted me one for my birthday a couple days ago. She got me a Dovo, 6/8 Renaissance with Spanish Oak scales. Simple and absolutely perfect for my taste. I love her.

    I'll jump right in with my first questions.

    Are Dovo's honed and ready for the strop, right out of the package? If not, I've read that a lot of you recommend "enjoy the hobby before adopting the way of life" i.e. get it honed for me before i buy honing equipment so, would anyone be against sending it to Mr Abrams for it's first pass on a stone? What's the cost and turnaround?

    Thanks so much for having me and I look forward to growing a new obsession with you all. Cheers! jP

  2. #2
    Senior Member blabbermouth eddy79's Avatar
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    Hi and welcome. Good gf you got there. Dovo's are generally considered not shave ready from factory whats why so may sites hone before sending to you. Lynn is a great choice for honing. As for price I'm not sure but would be on srd. Best reason for sending it out is you still don't know what shave ready is and honing takes practice to get right. Good luck and hope this helps.
    My wife calls me......... Can you just use Ed

  3. #3
    The Assyrian Obie's Avatar
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    Milwaukee, WI
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    Welcome to Straight Razor Place. Yes, do send it to Lynn for honing. Lynn is the master. You can find out the price and the time sequence from Straight Razor Designs. Good luck with your shaves. Ask your questions and you'll receive your answer in no time.

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