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Thread: hello from the blue ridge mtns in Virginia!!

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Default hello from the blue ridge mtns in Virginia!!

    i remember as a kid going to get my haircut with my dad, and the barber, his name was Gene. Gene would give dad a shave using a straight razor, i remember he was pretty darn skilled with that thing, i remember the sound of him stropping the blade, that smack smack smack. them were the days huh. i never was old enough to get the barber to give me a shave, thats ok. one day i decided i wanted one. my first was a george wostenholm IXL, and then i acquired a boker- pearl, and then a rolls. my pops had a rolls when he was in the service. still has it to this day. thats quite a gem for traveling! then i got another boker, and then my first true pipe razor. then a w.h. morley & sons clover brand, another heavy pipe razor and a boker waldorf.
    my girlfriend thinks i have a problem, but she seems to like the quality of my shave. anyhow i like to find "fixeruppers" which some of my collection are.
    i am a single father of a 14-yo son. i've got an older car i consider my bigboy toy. and i like to make my own beer.

    im interested in making shaving bowls from exotic woods, possibly custom scales, and i wonder, what prevents any of us from making our own brand of razor?
    BanjoTom and pfries like this.

  2. #2
    Vitandi syslight's Avatar
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    welcome to SRP!

    the only thing that stops a lot of us from setting up shop as razor makers is money time and skill. being a successful maker takes time to learn and perfect the art most of the custom razor makers started out as knife makers and then added razors to their wares. razors are more difficult because of the heat treating and grinding needs to be perfect. knives have a wider set of tolerances.

    but practice and determination is all it takes to start.

    edhewitt likes this.
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  3. The Following User Says Thank You to syslight For This Useful Post:

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  4. #3
    Senior Member blabbermouth eddy79's Avatar
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    Hi and welcome. To make enough razors to be called a job would take considerable time that most would not have and like mist ventures setup costs ate involved and if you don't know what your doing to start with I think you my be bike before you sell your first razor. Lots of the blokes here do repairs, scales, and generally makeshave related items though so check out the threads for those. See you round. Ed
    My wife calls me......... Can you just use Ed

  5. The Following User Says Thank You to eddy79 For This Useful Post:

    schizzzee (11-30-2013)

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