Quote Originally Posted by silverloaf View Post
I agree wholeheartedly, my only caution..... its very addictive, pace yourself! haha, yeah right, i was hooked from the first nerve ratting shave and have since gone through thousands of razors! its definitely a culture unto itself with the rituals that go along with it. this is, in my humble opinion, the best place for learning the culture and sharing with others what you learn! cant wait to hear the hear results! my first was with a gilchrist frameback and i was too nervous to do the throat and chin area. next shave i dove right in and the chin knew i should have practiced more! third times a charm they say...... well, maybe not exactly, i still move tediously over the chin, i have a big ol dimple in the middle i got from my father, hard to get those hairs!
Haha that's part of the reason I have the goatee is through inheriting such a chin myself. I got in touch with the supplier this morning and he said they should be sent out today via courier and that if it was ok with me he recommended the full hollow ground instead of half as it will give more feedback for learning which I was ok with as he is very knowledgeable and was recommended to me. That and he said its the same price we agreed no surcharge or anything which I thought was rather good of him. He also hones and strops all razors before giving them to the couriers so should be truly shave ready.

So my plan for today is have a shave and maybe get some pictures of the success or mess I create