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  • 2 Post By JBPilot

Thread: Hi

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Default Hi

    I am so new I haven't even lurked here before. I have just bought my first straight edge, its used and needs some looking after. A new strop is on its way but everything here is tight, no money. So though I have some cream and a brush I have yet to have a go, or grow a pair big enough to have a go, all to play for, nothing to lose except blood!

  2. #2
    Senior Member JBPilot's Avatar
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    Hey man, welcome! Only 2 pieces of advice. First read and watch as much as you can on his website. The wiki' shave a ton of valuable info. The search function helps answer a lot of questions. If you can't find the answer after reading/watching videos feel free to ask, we're a friendly group!

    Second and this one is equally (if not more) important than the first, spend a few pounds (or however much they charge in the uk) and have one of our members or a honing service get your blade ready for use! This cannot be stressed enough. You will see this phrase repeated constantly around here "Make sure the blade is shave ready before you try to shave with it!" Here are a lot of guys on here hat are really good with honing and don't charge much at all for their service. Definitely worth the investment!

    Good luck and welcome to SRP!

  3. #3
    Senior Member kiwichris's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JBPilot View Post
    Hey man, welcome! Only 2 pieces of advice. First read and watch as much as you can on his website. The wiki' shave a ton of valuable info. The search function helps answer a lot of questions. If you can't find the answer after reading/watching videos feel free to ask, we're a friendly group!

    Second and this one is equally (if not more) important than the first, spend a few pounds (or however much they charge in the uk) and have one of our members or a honing service get your blade ready for use! This cannot be stressed enough. You will see this phrase repeated constantly around here "Make sure the blade is shave ready before you try to shave with it!" Here are a lot of guys on here hat are really good with honing and don't charge much at all for their service. Definitely worth the investment!

    Good luck and welcome to SRP!
    This is great advice. Good luck with your first shave and welcome.
    - Chris -

  4. #4
    Senior Member blabbermouth eddy79's Avatar
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    Hi and welcome. Any questions feel free to ask. Good luck with your shaves
    My wife calls me......... Can you just use Ed

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