Christel, serendipitous that you mention the sponge - I just saw a youtube video ("Chimensch's Shaving Video" ) posted on the forum where a gentleman that used a sponge - and I said to myself - I should have done that so I wouldn't chip the SR ! On a quest for the right sponge now! I switched to towels but that sure could lead to a boatload of laundry!

Ah honing, I think I'm going to hold off on that for a while. I want to focus on the basics, get my pre-shave, shave, and stropping techniques down to where it is more muscle memory or at least a bit more perfected, then onto the next step. I will admit though, I have perused SRD and looked at the assortment and a few vids/articles on the process. Hard to hold myself back but I'm thinking its best for now.