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Thread: Howdy From Texas!!

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Royse City, Texas, USA
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    Default Howdy From Texas!!

    As my user name says Im new to straight razors in general. Been collecting the unusual & downright cool ones for while, decided to start shaving with them, because, let's just say it, it makes you.feel like a bada$$! Problem been so far I can't seem to decide on one that actually shaves decent or my technique is off. Which is why I'm here & figured as I learn more I can help out those like me.

  2. #2
    Senior Member Walterbowens's Avatar
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    Hello, and welcome to SRP. Check out the forum's library, it is full of helpful information.
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  3. #3
    Senior Member k5MOW's Avatar
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    Hello and welcome to the form from Friendswood Texas.

    Have a great shave.


  4. #4
    May your bone always be well buried MickR's Avatar
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    G'day from even more South of the border than meh-hic-o. I would say you probably have a non shave ready razor and poor (newbie) technique. Read up here (Lynn has a post dedicated to the first timer but I'm too computer illiterate at the moment to attach it) to find out more and get stuck in and give it a go. It'll take about two weeks of everyday attempts before you'll start to get worthwhile shaves (my personal experience. You might be a lot smarter than me ).
    All the best to you and don't be afraid to ask questions.


  5. #5
    Senior Member blabbermouth eddy79's Avatar
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    Hi and welcome. A lot of the cool or unusual razors are razor shaped objects and won't take or hold a edge. Without knowing what you have its hard to say. Check out the library for all the starter info and the other basics of Sr shaving. Any questions feel free to ask. Good luck
    ksarti1986 likes this.
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  6. #6
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    I must say shaving with a Straight Razor is a lot of fun and give a better shave. One thing to note is that many of the unusual and crazy look razors out there are just for show and not really at a shaving quality, but there are a few out there that are. It could be that you just need to get the razor honed and shave ready. If you could put some pics up that would be great because even if you don't really know how to save well yet a good razor will still cut.

  7. #7
    Senior Member Siguy's Avatar
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    Big welcome, Tex!

    You've joined the brotherhood. And, yes, straight razor shaving is Bah-Darse! Following up with Walter and the others, in the beginner's sub-forum, there are stickies there worth reading. In fact, I revisit them every so often. They will start you on the path with the knowledge every beginner should have under their belts.

    Take it easy, methodically, patiently and *never* rush. When you're just starting out(if your razor is Shave Ready), you should only be doing a WTG(with the grain pass) with weight of the blade pressure and maintain a 30 degree angle. I'm going to advise you have a few of the razors pro-honed(members here can do it and there are honing services available here). At least 2, this way you will have one reserved for comparison to the other razor that you will actually use. *Very* helpful in determining how your technique in stropping and shaving are affecting the edge and comparing it to the "unused" razor.

    Also, there are plenty of very cool videos to watch. Check Lynn Abrams youtube channel and gssixgun Glen's channel for the shaving videos.
    There are also plenty of stropping videos in a thread here entitled "Stroptober" here

    Also, you need a gameplan as to what kit you're going to pick out and why? If you haven't already, gather that information and post it back to the beginner's forum prior to purchase. *Before* you purchase, just to make sure you're heading in the right direction. Nobody likes to waste money.

    Congrats on your excellent choice!


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