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Thread: Greetings From NM

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Default Greetings From NM

    Hello, everyone.

    I'm far from being a young wolf anymore, but I'm always up for learning new tricks.

    There's a couple of nice old DE razors around here somewhere that I've used a lot, but since I moved, they're not where they should've been. It annoys me, I can't even find that Trac II I have, so I just bought a party pack of cheapo disposables for now. But maybe it's a good thing, since I've been thinking about going to straight razors for a while. I registered here back on the 5th, and have been reading everything I can since then before I buy my first straight.

    Well, it's about time, and until I get some experience and figure out what I truly like, I'll start with something decent for $30-50, before moving into a nicer one. The older razors have an allure and character about them that just fits the art and science of straight razor use, so even though I might spend ~$150-200 down the road, I'll probably never buy a brand-new razor. A lot of you probably think the same thing, that a fine old razor has more style, class, and is just more appropriate to such a time-honored pursuit.

    Of course, many of you others might simply think I'm nuts!

    Regardless, I'll be looking here for a shave-ready ~5/8 to ~6/8 with:
    - Round, French/Irish, Spanish, or Square with a chamfer
    - 1/4 or 1/2 hollow
    - No heavy spine (because of both appearance and performance)
    - Fairly clean blade

    If anyone has any input on that basic list, any advice that isn't written up here that I should know, or if you think I'm making a mistake in any respect, please let me know. I have a lot of fine knives and other blades, so I have a good strop. I also have lathering soaps, etc., so I'm covered on the rest of the essentials, I just need a good starter blade. For that, I just need to look around here and there. Oh, and I DO know better than to go to Ebay, OK?

    Thanks, people.

    - TW
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  2. #2
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    Welcome to SRP! It's always nice to see New Mexicans on the forum. I grew up in New Mexico myself.

    For buying your first shave ready razor in the $30-$50 range, you should check out the Classified Section here. I glanced at the first page, and it appears that several razors might fit your parameters.

    In terms of the blade, the conventional wisdom is to start out with a 5/8. That size is kind of sweet spot between not being too big or too small. You could then always go up or down in size when you get a second razor.

    I would heavily recommend starting out with a round point razor. A round point is much more forgiving for a beginner as it limits/reduces the chance that you will poke yourself with the tip of the razor and hence cut "weepers" into your checks or neck. Once you gain some skill/confidence/familiarity with a round point, by all means then try a square point.

  3. The Following User Says Thank You to Bordee For This Useful Post:

    TWolf (05-18-2014)

  4. #3
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    Thanks, Bordee.

    I spend a lot of time in Phoenix, it's nice there until it goes over 105*.

    OK, I'll definitely isolate the choices to round points, favoring the ~5/8 depth. The only way I might have chosen a square point is if the toe was well-chamfered, but I can see how that would still be a little dicey for someone like me. And I am looking at a certain razor on here that catches my eye, but I might just wait until I'm better informed.

    Well, it looks like it's slow here for the weekend, hopefully some others here will add their experienced opinions. Thanks again, and take care. - TW
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  5. #4
    Senior Member ncraigtrn's Avatar
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    I second the round point. I have a red imp that's got a square point that's a little more acute and that SOB bit my ear shaving tonight.

    But I will say I vote for going with what intrigues you. I l, like you, didn't see the point in buying new when there are so many vintage razors with history and character to be had.

  6. #5
    Huh... Oh here pfries's Avatar
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    Larry over at whipped dog is a good fellow, he has the sight unseen and something called the sight half seen I believe.
    If you contact him he will most likely get you into something within your requests,
    it may not be a beauty queen but it will do the job. He is spoken of fairly highly here,
    I have had a couple of conversations with him but have not done direct business with him.

    His price point would be right where you were looking,
    I was also in the classifieds just a day or two ago and as always a few right in the price point you were looking at.

    Welcome aboard and enjoy TW!

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  7. #6
    Senior Member blabbermouth eddy79's Avatar
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    Hi and welcome. +1 on the round point. There's enough of the blade to worry about nicking yourself with without constant attention to the square point as well. It doesn't always nick either you'll just find little lines of scratch when you finish up. Good luck and any questions feel free to ask
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