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Thread: NC noob

  1. #1
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    Default NC noob

    My name is Lee and I am from Albemarle NC. I recently bought a Thiers-Issard razor off eBay that is in excellent condition and I got a really good deal on it. My first shave was not very good although I felt comfortable using it. I was wondering if I should feel any resistance from the blade on my face even while using little to no pressure. I am not sure how to check if the blade is sharp enough to be using. Any feedback would be great and I am excited to purse this style of shaving.

  2. #2
    Senior Member blabbermouth Speedster's Avatar
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    Welcome to SRP, Lee! With a shave-ready blade, you shouldn't feel much resistance when scraping the whiskers off your face. If it's pulling and tugging and generally uncomfortable to shave with, then you may want to consider sending it to a pro honer in the Classifieds. See Member Services. Good luck!
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  3. #3
    Customized Birnando's Avatar
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    Welcome to SRP.

    You know, most any new shaver will make a post similar to yours
    With a razor from ebay, it is hard to tell wether it is the razor that is at fault or your technique is hard to tell.
    Just to rule out any insecurities regarding sharpness of the blade, I'd send it out to get it professionally honed.
    After that, if it still tugs, then it is time to look at technique, prep and stropping!
    leegtr likes this.
    Um, all of them, any of them that have been in front of me over all these years....

  4. #4
    Senior Member criswilson10's Avatar
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    Welcome to SRP.
    It's good to see some more Carolinians here.
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  5. #5
    Senior Member blabbermouth eddy79's Avatar
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    Hi and welcome. Unfortunately even razors marked as shave ready on ebay often aren't. Send it to a pro and start on the right foot. Good luck
    leegtr likes this.
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  6. #6
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    Thanks guys!!

  7. #7
    Senior Member blabbermouth Haroldg48's Avatar
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    Welcome Lee, from our sandbar on the far eastern end of NC!

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    My name is Neil and I am from Toronto. I cant believe how much time I have spent in the last 4 weeks learning about straight razors. I have been immersed. There is so much information. I have one razor coming from China (top of the line Titan - ARCO Steel). I hope it will be OK. My research came across a few good reviews of the razor with VG-10 steel. I couldn't find any reviews for the ARCO steel but based on the manufacture's information the ARCO steel appears to be a higher quality, harder steel. According to the tracking information it should arrive on Tuesday. I am soooo looking forward to it. I have found a Japanese Sword and Knife restorer who will hone it for me. I purchased a 3 line Swatty Barber Hone on Ebay. It appears to be in good shape. I purchased a leather and cotton strop.

    I also just purchased (today) a set of 9 x 13 Aluminum Oxide lapping films after much research on hones which i am determined to learn. I just won a vintage Brandt straight razor ($14.00 including shipping) that looks like it is good shape to practice my honing on ($_57.JPG). I have a few bids on other vintage straights that to practice my honing on. I am hoping that I will be able to bring at least one of the razors back to life. I am off to home depot to get a marble or granite stone cut for the base of my lapping film hone I will be making. I cant wait to start honing.

    I would also welcome any introductions to any experienced members in Toronto who would be willing to meet and show me how to hone (or review my honing).

  9. #9
    Stay calm. Carry on. MisterMoo's Avatar
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    Greetings from metro Lizard Lick. Come by .
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  10. #10
    barba crescit caput nescit Phrank's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by neilwolff View Post
    My name is Neil and I am from Toronto. I cant believe how much time I have spent in the last 4 weeks learning about straight razors. I have been immersed. There is so much information. I have one razor coming from China (top of the line Titan - ARCO Steel). I hope it will be OK. My research came across a few good reviews of the razor with VG-10 steel. I couldn't find any reviews for the ARCO steel but based on the manufacture's information the ARCO steel appears to be a higher quality, harder steel. According to the tracking information it should arrive on Tuesday. I am soooo looking forward to it. I have found a Japanese Sword and Knife restorer who will hone it for me. I purchased a 3 line Swatty Barber Hone on Ebay. It appears to be in good shape. I purchased a leather and cotton strop.

    I also just purchased (today) a set of 9 x 13 Aluminum Oxide lapping films after much research on hones which i am determined to learn. I just won a vintage Brandt straight razor ($14.00 including shipping) that looks like it is good shape to practice my honing on ($_57.JPG). I have a few bids on other vintage straights that to practice my honing on. I am hoping that I will be able to bring at least one of the razors back to life. I am off to home depot to get a marble or granite stone cut for the base of my lapping film hone I will be making. I cant wait to start honing.

    I would also welcome any introductions to any experienced members in Toronto who would be willing to meet and show me how to hone (or review my honing).
    I'm in Toronto, even though I have all the stones and then some, I really just stick to refreshing my blades, so far. I've got a couple of GD's to practice on, and managed to get one to shave ready status. Lynn Abrams and Glen (Gssixgun) have some great video's on the site that take you through the whole process.

    I used a video that Lynn Abrams has that shows bevel setting to finishing using a Norton 4/8 and a Nani 12k I believe.

    For me, all my blades have been professionally honed by Valery at The Gentleman's Den, he restores razors and provides a great honing service. He's also a member here and is located in Toronto.

    Welcome to the forum.

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