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  1. #1
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    Default Fairly New to Straight Shaving


    Im quite new to straight shaving.

    Iv been a convert from a 5 bladed vibrating marital aid to a DE safety razors for a while now, I purchased an Edwin Jeager a little under a year ago. After learning to use it I am in love with the whole ritual of wet shaving. I then bought a Murkur slant bar which I love even more, this is my go to razor.

    the natural progression for me is to go to a straight razor, I bought a cheap razor and strop from amazon. I learnt to shave my cheeks with this but I find that it seems to go blunt before I finished the whole shave. Spurred on by my lack of cuts and nicks I purchased a Vintage Diamond Spear off Ebay, not entirely sure how good a razor you sharpologists think of them but I like it very much and I use it at least twice a week.

    Everything is going well with my education n how to use it but im still having trouble around a scar I have on m y chin and the left hand side of my face generally. im sure it will all come together eventually.

    I look forward to meeting you all


  2. #2
    Senior Member guitstik's Avatar
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    Welcome to SRP and the art of the straight razor. You might want to do yourself a favor and checkout the razor offerings by several of the vendors here like Lynn @ or some of the guys that sell in the classifieds. What type of strop do you have and have you learned how to use it properly? There are plenty of YouTube videos by Lynn and Gssixgun that will give you the knowledge to better your stropping skills. Also, you may want to send one of your razors to a noted honemeister so that you can see what a truly honed razor can do. As far as working around scars, well that is a trick that you yourself will have to learn, it just takes time and care when shaving around them.

  3. #3
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    Wow, thanks for posting so fast. You guys must get alot of post from newbies like me.

    I cant say what kind of strop it is, it isn't any notable brand I think,
    This is what I bought.

    Like I say, I don't use the rzor now as it seems to dull during the shave but I use the strop everytime I shave

  4. #4
    Senior Member guitstik's Avatar
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    I can't tell from the description but that strop possibly should have been treated with conditioner before use, others with more experience will probably chime in. Don't know much about the razor either. Like I said, send the razor off to a honemeister and watch all the available videos to learn to strop. Get some strop paste so that you can freshen the edge when normal stropping isn't sufficient to bring the edge back.

  5. #5
    Senior Member blabbermouth eddy79's Avatar
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    Hi and welcome. Not sure if it was or not but you may want to get the razor pro honed so you know that it is truly shave ready. There is a great difference between able to shave and shave ready. Good luck and any questions feel free to ask.
    My wife calls me......... Can you just use Ed

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