Hey Everybody,
Whats up! I'm new to the wet shaving world. Started with a cheap $20 replaceable blade shavette that I picked up from the barber shop and got my first new blade on Monday! Picked up a Dovo 5/8 Special Faux Tortoise with a Bison leather strop and a Kent BLK2 brush. Any feedback on if I made the right choice would be great! One thing though, when I got the blade it needed to be sharpened. The store that I bought it from sharpens and hones razors as well. So when I asked them to sharpen it for me, they asked if I wanted them to tape the spine. I asked them why and they said some people don't like the 'polish' that it puts on the spine and that they would need to put like 16 layers of tape and it would be a hassle removing all the glue and gunk from the tape so I said it was okay to sharpen. When I got it back and took it home for my first shave, I noticed that they spine on both sides of my brand new blade were all scratched and had a bit of flattening to it rather than the "polish" they told me it was going to be. Having said that, I asked them if I could exchange it after they had done that to my new blade and they said no because it has been sharpened and used now (the guy working there tested the blade on his arm hair to see how sharp it was before honing). Is there any way to make my blade look brand new again?? I'm pretty choked as I'm anal about my new blade and I wanted to keep it looking new as long as possible! Anyways, great to meet you all and hope to hear some replies back!

