Good Evening,
Im new to this forum, i found it through a google search as i have been fascinated by straight razor shaving ever since i was a child. (im 20 now)
I hope to properly learn how to shave with a straight razor without ever cutting myself, i currently used an old Gillette safety razor and have never to date cut myself.
I suppose id better go find some wood and knock on it quick..
Anywho, I have been fascinated with things of old, my great grandfaters generation, ever since i was a little boy. The music, dancing, cars, even cigars. So naturally i was drawn to the lore of straight razor shaving. Back when people did everything with pride and to their best ability, even something as basic as a shave. Now a days everyone is in such a hurry, shaving has become a chore and a contest for companies to make the fastest shaving razor yet.. Just like everything else. I wish i could have experienced the old days.. Back when you took pride in your car, and would cruise just to cruise. To have a good time, rather than to make good time, back when men where men and woman where proud of it.
Well, i have gotten my hands on everything else so far. I have the car (although, its more dads generation, its a 77), I have the cigars, listen to the classics, like Sinatra, Cash, and Elvis. Now the next step is shaving with a straight razor.

I started out shaving 2 years ago, with a Gillette Mach5. It was decent, and far better than electric which is what my dad prefers. However, it just wasnt quite the same. So, i ended up getting my hands on an old Gillette safety razor thats more than likely closer to my grandfathers age than mine. Its a great razor, but again.. its not quite a straight razor. This was about a month ago when i started using it. With the Mach5 i shaved dry, piece of cake. My face took to it after a few days, and it seemed to work just as well. Turns out, this isnt so nice with a single blade.. Just glad i learned with my safety rather than my straight
So, id like to find a good straight razor that someone would be willing to trade, wish me luck
Nathan, AKA Dual Nature