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  1. #1
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    Default Where Do I Begin?

    What a fascinating website. Big thanks to a friend of mine for introducing me to this place. I have seen a razor set he's ordered from here. This will be my first time learning to shave with an actual razor. I've used an electrical razor for so long, and I think it's time to put that device to rest. If you have any interesting facts that would be beneficial to know, please let me know!



  2. #2
    Seeking Shaving Zen Prahston's Avatar
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    Welcome Alex!! at the top of the "Beginners" part of the Forum there are Titles in Red... Take a look at those with this one probably being the most important to you now:

    There is so much information in pretty much any direction you want to go here so enjoy... When you get your Gear and are ready to try your hand at SR Shaving then definitely look here:

    Enjoy your time and have fun... Turning a normal routine into a Hobby is so rewarding it is freaky!


  3. #3
    Senior Member scs1980's Avatar
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    Hello Alex, welcome to the SRP forum.
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  4. #4
    Member Briwill99's Avatar
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    Hi Alex,

    Welcome to the site. I am new here as well. I have learned quite a bit from the library section. Lots of info there. Also have watched many you tube videos on how to shave and strop a razor. There are quite a few very helpful and sincere gentlemen on here to keep us newbs on the right track. The main idea I have learned so far is to be as patient as possible.
    Here are a few tips I have picked up so far:
    1. You can get a good feel for correct stropping with a butter knife and a 2" wide leather belt. Us new guys are notorious for tearing up our first strops and dulling our first razors because of inadequate technique.
    2. Make sure your first Razor is professionally honed before you use it. I will be sending mine to Lynn Abrams. There are others here who offer that service as well.
    3. The first time you use your razor don't do your entire face with it. Do a small area that is relatively easy. Complete the shave using whatever method you are currently using. Over time incorporate other areas of your face until eventually shaving the entire face with the SR.
    I know it is odd for me to give advice here since I am new. However, I have been focused lately on how to begin this hobby and thought I would share my findings thus far. I am sure others in the know will correct or add to this as necessary.


  5. #5
    Senior Member blabbermouth eddy79's Avatar
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    Hi and welcome. Brian has given good advice. As he said check out the library for all the starter info and the other basics of Sr shaving. Any questions feel free to ask and good luck
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  6. #6
    Stay calm. Carry on. MisterMoo's Avatar
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    Welcome. I wore a beard for 40 years after too many failed attempts at getting a smooth shave without irritation (DE, cart and electric). Picking up a straight for the first time at 61 I found it was not only a breeze learning how to use it but it was fun and (with proper prep) virtually irritation free.

    Have at it, slowly.
    "We'll talk, if you like. I'll tell you right out, I am a man who likes talking to a man who likes to talk."

  7. #7
    Senior Member MattCB's Avatar
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    Welcome to SRP! If you get a chance, please put your location in your profile. There is a good chance there will be someone nearby who would be willing to give you a hand. A little one on one mentoring goes a LONG way.
    Last edited by MattCB; 07-16-2014 at 03:38 PM. Reason: spelling
    The older I get the more I realize how little I actually know.

  8. #8
    Senior Member RollinCoal69's Avatar
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    Welcome to the family. Give it time an the shaves will become amazing. As for that electric you wont be needing that anymore. Definitely check out the links an library stuff as said. Great info for the beginner there. Good luck an stick with it.
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  9. #9
    Senior Member Walterbowens's Avatar
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    Hello, and welcome to SRP ! Check out the forums Library it is full of helpful information.
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  10. #10
    Senior Member blabbermouth Speedster's Avatar
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    Welcome to SRP! I'd say peruse the main page for the hot topics. Be patient and you'll do fine.

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