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Thread: Oh hi! 2 years DE, 2 shaves SR, first post on a forum.

  1. #11
    Senior Member MajorEthanolic's Avatar
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    Great topic - I was actually wanting to post this myself. I THINK I've about gotten the stropping down and have CrOX that "wakes up the blade" occasionally - I too was wondering if I should start with something like a 12k vs the whole 1-5-8-12 shebang.

  2. #12
    Moderator Razorfeld's Avatar
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    To be specific, strop mastery should be no 1 on your agenda. The use of Crox should be limited to ONLY when you feel the edge is degrading. Too much and you start losing metal. In terms of refreshing it is suggested to use a 12k. Most frequently suggested is the Naniwa Super Stone 12k. Mainly because it doesn't have to be soaked. Just spray a little water on the surface. After a year (or so) of straight razor shaving is when you should start thinking about learning to hone your own razors. Both Naniwa and Norton are the main suggestions (and easier on the budget than some of the other choices). Norton 1k for bevel setting when needed, 4k/8k for basic honing and the Naniwa 12k is the ubiquitous preference. Naniwa 1k for bevel setting, 3k/8k for the next step and then the Naniwa 12k for smoothing/finishing. After that, all bets are off because then it gets very subjective with Jnats, Cnats, Coticiles and a wide range of esoteric stones. Some will go for 16k, 20k or 30k man made stones for an ultra finish. Basic philosophy says when you can get a consistently decent shave off of an 8k then thats when you can go hog wild and feed your stone addiction disorder. I'll say it again, and many Mentors would echo this, go slow, one step at a time, it isn't a declared race and you only competing with yourself. Be sane, be safe and watch where you step.
    "The sharpening stones from time to time provide officers with gasoline."

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