Hi Dorsey,

A few things to let brew in the back of your mind is that your first razor will likely not be your last. There's likely no bad choice between 5/8 & 6/8. Ergos really drive that decision. On the ergos - do you require a size XL glove or larger? If so, the smaller shank on the 5/8 may not be as comfortable to make fine movements with. The size of the razor blank seems to take a jump up - at 6/8, and the large hand can find a more comfortable, positive hold.

Also on stropping - the larger blade can be easier to keep flat. I have to be super careful when honing a 4/8 for a member. The small size can catch some friction on the strop & flip over, sending the edge into the strop.

When honing, its easier for me to feel where the main contact w/ the edge is on the larger blade.

If you take a size Large, or smaller, you're in luck. There's gotta be 100 5/8 full hollow razors for every other size/grind. That means selection is great, and pricing is good.