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Thread: Is a straight razor for me?

  1. #31
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    im having success with my new merkur double edge. I was talking to a guy in a shop concerning de razors, and he was telling me that with my one hand, he wouldnt recommend it since i couldnt pull my skin down around my face and neck.

    Needless to say i thought bullocks and got one.

    it's serving me so much better than my old razor. :] Now im wondering why every man who shaves doesnt use a de or a straight razor...??

    sorry i took so long to reply. my health issues are really getting to me... only a year ago i was very physically active and now i can hardly do anything. it's been extremely depressing and painful. It's of course woken me up to a deeper consideration for everything in life...but 22 years old isn't a good time for all of that.

  2. #32
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    Nice to hear from you StoneDrum!

    Good to know aboutu your progress with the DE razor. Don't give up and keep going!!! Is much more fun and much better than the new multi blades razors.

    Which merkur did you bought?

    Sorry to hear about your health issues. I hope you get better fast.
    StoneDrum likes this.
    Are you stressed???!!! Get out and go fishing!!!

  3. #33
    Senior Member blabbermouth engine46's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by StoneDrum View Post
    im having success with my new merkur double edge. I was talking to a guy in a shop concerning de razors, and he was telling me that with my one hand, he wouldnt recommend it since i couldnt pull my skin down around my face and neck.

    Needless to say i thought bullocks and got one.

    it's serving me so much better than my old razor. :] Now im wondering why every man who shaves doesnt use a de or a straight razor...??

    sorry i took so long to reply. my health issues are really getting to me... only a year ago i was very physically active and now i can hardly do anything. it's been extremely depressing and painful. It's of course woken me up to a deeper consideration for everything in life...but 22 years old isn't a good time for all of that.
    It is good to hear from you my friend & i'm glad to hear of your progress with the de.
    I'm very sorry to hear about your health issues. Maybe it's the weather getting you down. I hope you are going to the doctor with your complaints so that maybe he can address them. I hope you aren't getting arthritis at such a young age. I found out a few months ago that I have it in my left foot but so far it hasn't spread. I already have enough health issues going on & I'm going on 59. I do hope you get to feeling better. Keep us informed.

  4. #34
    Stay calm. Carry on. MisterMoo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by StoneDrum View Post
    im having success with my new merkur double edge. I was talking to a guy in a shop concerning de razors, and he was telling me that with my one hand, he wouldnt recommend it since i couldnt pull my skin down around my face and neck.

    Needless to say i thought bullocks and got one.
    Nice! Always best to believe in yourself and not other peoples ideas of what you are and what you are not. If you can puff your cheeks and tip your head you're good to go.
    BobH and engine46 like this.
    "We'll talk, if you like. I'll tell you right out, I am a man who likes talking to a man who likes to talk."

  5. #35
    Senior Member ferroburak's Avatar
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    Use of safety razor will surely ease the transition.

  6. #36
    Senior Member blabbermouth engine46's Avatar
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    I agree with ferroburak & if you can ever use a straight razor it will be a great accomplishment!!!

  7. #37
    illegitimum non carborundum Utopian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by StoneDrum View Post
    im having success with my new merkur double edge. I was talking to a guy in a shop concerning de razors, and he was telling me that with my one hand, he wouldnt recommend it since i couldnt pull my skin down around my face and neck.

    Needless to say i thought bullocks and got one.
    Good for you.

    You did it with a cartridge so there is no reason you cannot use a DE.

    Not every expert knows what they are talking about. You will find that to be true both in Art of Shaving stores and in this forum!

    Get information from other people but then judge for yourself what is right.
    engine46 likes this.

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