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Thread: Hello from New Mexico!

  1. #1
    FNG Pinacle72's Avatar
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    Default Hello from New Mexico!

    Hello from New Mexico!

    I've been checking out this forum and others for a while - lots of good information, so a big thank you to everyone who has helped others learn!

    I'm not new to wet shaving, but I've definitely been drawn to the "dark side" of electric convenience for the past several years. That being said, the rediscovery of my long ago lost shaving rituals has been quite overdue.

    When I started straight razor shaving, I had few resources, and the internet wasn't what it is today. I learned through trial and error (with a LOT of error). Now, thanks to this and many other resources, I've quickly been able to renew and improve upon my previous experiences.

    Needless to say, I'm hooked! I have some questions for those more experienced than I, but I will post those questions in the appropriate forums. Thank you all in advance! And thanks to everyone for sharing their knowledge and experiences.
    - Si vis pacem, para bellum

  2. #2
    Senior Member blabbermouth Leatherstockiings's Avatar
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    Hello, Pinacle. Welcome to Straight Razor Place!

  3. The Following User Says Thank You to Leatherstockiings For This Useful Post:

    Pinacle72 (01-18-2015)

  4. #3
    Senior Member blabbermouth eddy79's Avatar
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    Hi and welcome aboard
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    Pinacle72 (01-18-2015)

  6. #4
    Senior Member Slasher's Avatar
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    Welcome to SRP!

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    Pinacle72 (01-18-2015)

  8. #5
    Seeking Shaving Zen Prahston's Avatar
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    Welcome to SRP!! In addition to the resources found here, you might do a YouTube search for "Shavebusta" (He also has a developing FB Group same name...) as he is a gent from New Mexico also and his Videos chronicle his transition from DE to Straight Razor shaving and he has a lot of product demo/lists.

    What a great thing to re-enter/re-discover SR shaving again!!
    cudarunner and Pinacle72 like this.

  9. The Following User Says Thank You to Prahston For This Useful Post:

    Pinacle72 (01-18-2015)

  10. #6
    Senior Member ferroburak's Avatar
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    Hello and welcome

  11. The Following User Says Thank You to ferroburak For This Useful Post:

    Pinacle72 (01-18-2015)

  12. #7
    FNG Pinacle72's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Prahston View Post
    Welcome to SRP!! In addition to the resources found here, you might do a YouTube search for "Shavebusta" (He also has a developing FB Group same name...) as he is a gent from New Mexico also and his Videos chronicle his transition from DE to Straight Razor shaving and he has a lot of product demo/lists.

    What a great thing to re-enter/re-discover SR shaving again!!
    Thank you for the info Prahston! Good stuff for sure! The irony is I had already seen some of his videos- no idea he was from New Mexico!
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    - Si vis pacem, para bellum

  13. #8
    Moderator Razorfeld's Avatar
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    Welcome back into the light from the dark side. We are everywhere and ready to learn from your experience as you learn from ours.
    Prahston and Pinacle72 like this.
    "The sharpening stones from time to time provide officers with gasoline."

  14. The Following User Says Thank You to Razorfeld For This Useful Post:

    Pinacle72 (01-18-2015)

  15. #9
    Senior Member blabbermouth engine46's Avatar
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    Hi & welcome to SRP. Also welcome back to the art of wet shaving. As you venture through the forum you will find many things to learn especially in the Library here. I'm sure many things will come back to you as you go plus you will probably see new things you didn't know. Since you already are familiar with the art, I won't go into detail of the forum, you will see things as you go. As you may already know, the most important thing is to know how to strop correctly since one wrong move can dull a blade. You will be alright though, I feel confident that your prior experience will come back if it already hasn't. Please feel free to ask any questions as you go, there are very many knowledgable members on here who can help. Good luck & have fun!

  16. The Following User Says Thank You to engine46 For This Useful Post:

    Pinacle72 (01-18-2015)

  17. #10
    FNG Pinacle72's Avatar
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    Default Hello from New Mexico!

    Thank you engine46! Thus far I've received a straight that was delivered poorly honed (quite disappointed as it was a far from cheap razor), sent it to a honemeister, got it back in superb condition, then dropped it after only two weeks! Chipped the edge! ... Well I was already looking into honing and stones (used to do that too a little), and Amazon sends me a deal on a full Norton set! (Note to everyone: try leaving stuff in your basket for a couple weeks; more than once I've received emails for significant additional savings!) So I get the set, get some pretty good results, tried the pyramid method with good results... Anyway, eventually I purchased a swaty cheap, restored it, got a Shapton 12k, and now I am putting some pretty sweet/smooth and sharp edges on stuff! Needless to say it has been quite a journey in a very short time. I'm still "buffing" with a DE at the end - mostly just my chin - haven't quite figured out BBS in that area... Every shave gets better though, and no nicks! Anyway, thanks for all the well wishes! This forum and B&B have saved me countless hours of experimentation!
    Last edited by Pinacle72; 01-18-2015 at 07:17 PM.
    Prahston and engine46 like this.
    - Si vis pacem, para bellum

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