First off, great site for a newbie! I'm here in beautiful Central Texas and am enjoying a nice evening after work. I recently bought a nice entry level blade (Boker King Cutter). They had me at Solinger...I have a few knives and I've always trusted blades out of FRG and specifically the Solinger area. I had a great time in FRG at the governments expense, in the Augsburg area. A short while ago I got tired of having to spend an exorbitant amount of money for replacement blades. I remember back in the day when my dad only had a safety razor (I wish I still had it) so I decided to convert. All I can say is thank goodness for styptic pencils. My wife thinks I'm crazy for wanting a straight razor now (she only knows the throat cutter), but I'm determined to learn all about using and maintaining my straight razor.

Looking forward to spending some quality time here at SRP.
