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Thread: Long Jump??

  1. #11
    Senior Member blabbermouth 10Pups's Avatar
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    Read up on bevel setting and make sure that is perfect. The rest is just taking the scratches out from that and refining the edge. I shaved of a 8k for a year before moving up. One Chinese 12k can be different than another. Quality control thing. This is why they are so cheap. Not saying they are bad, just hard to say what each person gets out of it is the same.

    In short, you could do it, but how long will it take and what is the real finish grit ? The key is in the basics. Bevel set, hone, finish. 1,3,8 or 1,4,8 or 1,3,5,8 what ever. Then there is polish :<0)
    Good judgment comes from experience, and experience....well that comes from poor judgment.

  2. #12
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    hm…no short cuts really. anyway thanks vm guys, all good food 4 thought. late now my end, bye

  3. #13
    Senior Member blabbermouth eddy79's Avatar
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    Just get a norton 4 / 8. Your willing to put iin the extra effort so you can set the bevel on a slurried 4k and finish on the 8k.
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  4. #14
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    hi guys, thanks for all your advice. i've taken the plunge this morning and ordered a wusthof 3k-8k. seems fitting cz i'm shaving with a vintage carl wusthof that's been handed down to me recently. i don't think it's particularly special but after tidying up a bit it's in good condition having not been used an awful lot over the years. can't wait to get on the new hone with it…will let you know what results i get. completely hooked on all this stuff already….ace! btw the combo was £67… and that's a big deal at the mo…so fingers crossed

  5. #15
    Senior Member blabbermouth edhewitt's Avatar
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    if you have the welsh slate that COULD be used as your finisher, depending on which one. i know some guys really like them and some dont, there are a lot of threads about them. the issue with natural stones is that they all differ and grit ratings seem to be a bit subjective, its probably worth giving what you already have a go before committing to a 12k as well.
    Also it is worth seeing if there are any members in your area who have a bit of honing experience who would be prepared to meet up with you as that willl speed up your learning and also may provide an opportunity to try some stones out.
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  6. #16
    Snicker Snack
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    Quote Originally Posted by edhewitt View Post
    if you have the welsh slate that COULD be used as your finisher, depending on which one. i know some guys really like them and some dont, there are a lot of threads about them. the issue with natural stones is that they all differ and grit ratings seem to be a bit subjective, its probably worth giving what you already have a go before committing to a 12k as well.
    Also it is worth seeing if there are any members in your area who have a bit of honing experience who would be prepared to meet up with you as that willl speed up your learning and also may provide an opportunity to try some stones out.
    I second what's been said here. The Welsh Slates can be very good hones, and I don't see the point in getting a C12K (which could also not perform to your expectations). I'm not going to claim that AJ's Welsh hones are universally liked, or consistent, but I found that they can be excellent finishers. Also, if you use them in progression, things speed up.

    I prefer to progress from a set bevel to the Dragon's Tongue, then the LM and then the unidentified grey slate. I then move back to the LM on pure water for a few laps, as I find that smooths the edge out a bit. This may not be the best protocol, but it works for me.

  7. #17
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    well it is actually a DT and i may now have more success with it after the 8k… WTS

  8. #18
    Moderator rolodave's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 10Pups View Post
    Read up on bevel setting and make sure that is perfect. The rest is just taking the scratches out from that and refining the edge. I shaved of a 8k for a year before moving up. One Chinese 12k can be different than another. Quality control thing. This is why they are so cheap. Not saying they are bad, just hard to say what each person gets out of it is the same.

    In short, you could do it, but how long will it take and what is the real finish grit ? The key is in the basics. Bevel set, hone, finish. 1,3,8 or 1,4,8 or 1,3,5,8 what ever. Then there is polish :<0)
    I shaved for several years off a 8k clay King. Nothing wrong with those edges.
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  9. #19
    Senior Member blabbermouth tcrideshd's Avatar
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    Only cost about 20$ to send it to someone to sharpen it right, if you haven't had one done by those who know how then you might never get to experience a great shave , so if your short on funds , it's way cheaper to send it out and it will be right. Tc
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  10. #20
    'with that said' cudarunner's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tcrideshd View Post
    Only cost about 20$ to send it to someone to sharpen it right, if you haven't had one done by those who know how then you might never get to experience a great shave , so if your short on funds , it's way cheaper to send it out and it will be right. Tc

    For one thing having a Truly Shave Ready Razor, when you do decide to learn to hone you will have a baseline to go by. You can also ask the honer to finish on what type of stone you will use. That would allow you to compare Apples to Apples. If you are finishing on a Naniwa 12k and the honer uses say a Zulu Grey you would be comparing Apples to Oranges. The same goes for using a pasted strop after honing. If you don't have one then ask that the razor Not Be Stropped on a Pasted Strop/there again Apples to Apples.

    Just my two bits worth (that's 25 cents)
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