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Thread: Greetings from St. Louis!
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12-22-2015, 05:22 AM #1
Greetings from St. Louis!
Hello everyone, I'm Neal, and I live in the St. Louis area. I threw away the carts a little over a year ago in favor of safety razors and blades. Loved it. My experience with straight razors includes using a Feather SS kamisori style and, today for the first time, a traditional straight razor. I also have a kamisori that needs honed and I plan on finally breaking it out after getting more experience with the traditional. I'm using the straight as part of a focus on a forum, but plan to stick with it beyond the focus to master it. I never thought I would be interested in straights but find myself drawn more to them. So, here I am, one shave under my belt with no blood and looking forward to learning all I can. Great to be here.