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Thread: Bay Area Gent New to Straight Razors

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Post Bay Area Gent New to Straight Razors

    Hey All, my name is Vincent and I live in California. I have been shaving with a Mach3 disposable cartridge razor since I was in high school. I attended a private high school that required that students always stay clean shaven. Because of that my beard seemed to grow in really thick. Not only is my beard thick, but my facial hair is very course. Since I have full growth on my face, I have always been able to shave really nice beard lines. One issue that I always had with my Mach3 was that the razor always blocked the line I was shaving. I eventually learned to create sharp straight lines through muscle memory.
    Well one day my father asked me if I ever considered using a straight razor when he noticed I had messed up on my beard. That instantly became a thought that I could not shake. I immediately knew that I needed a straight razor.
    Well short story even shorter, I bought myself a straight razor, a shaving kit, and a strop. Completed my first few shaves, and am looking to learn more, and connect with others for local information. One thing I would like to find is a nice shave shop that can hone my blade and supply shaving goods. Even though my blade stated it came shave ready and honed from the manufacturer, I don't believe it is as sharp as it should be. I know that practice makes perfect, but this blade pulls way to much to be shave ready.
    I am currently in the East Bay and any contacts or suggestions for local shave shops would be appreciated. Definitely plan on keeping up with this site as I am somewhat of a collector, and I can see myself acquiring more blades, brushes, and strops in the future!

    Thanks for listening,

    BeJay, engine46 and dooey like this.

  2. #2
    Senior Member blabbermouth eddy79's Avatar
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    Hi and welcome. If you go to community up top and do an advanced search you can find locals by searching by location. Where did you get your razor and what make. If it wasn't hand honed and has a factory edge then itvis unlikely to be truly shave ready. Good luck and any questions feel free to ask
    engine46 likes this.
    My wife calls me......... Can you just use Ed

  3. #3
    Senior Member BeJay's Avatar
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    Hi Vincent.
    I'm in Castro Valley. Other then Art of Shaving there isnt really a place to buy shaving supplies locally. I do hone razors though and would be glad to help you out. Send me a PM if interested.

  4. #4
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    Hey guys. Thanks for the welcome. Since there wasn't many local shops, I ended up going to The Art of Shaving. I bought a straight edge that had a Thiers Issard carbon steel blade. It feels comfortable in my hands, just not my face. Definitely need to get it honed to get a comfortable shave. Would even look into purchasing the equipment to hone at home. But that will be for the future.
    In the mean time I may just order a new blade from SRD. Gotta start my collection sometime.

  5. #5
    Senior Member blabbermouth engine46's Avatar
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    You're very welcome my friend. The TI is a good razor. You can get a second straight if you can afford it. A person should at the least have two, that way while one is out getting honed by a pro, you still have one to shave with. You can possibly look into someone in your area to help you out some. Just go to Community near the top of this page, then to member list. Once there, look to the search box on the right & click on advanced search, enter your information & hit search. Members in your area will come up & any in red are Mentors. It doesn't have to be a Mentor but if one is near you, that's a plus.
    That's good you will save honing for later, good decision. Get the basics down for now & you can slowly study on honing & watching honing video's later down the road or you can at least watch some video's when you get the time to but just study them for now. Later you can get yourself some honing stones.
    eddy79 likes this.

  6. #6
    Senior Member blabbermouth Leatherstockiings's Avatar
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    Hello Vincent. Welcome to Straight Razor Place!

  7. #7
    Senior Member jfk742's Avatar
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    Welcome! I'm in El Sobrante. If you need any help honing or shaving let me know.

  8. #8
    Senior Member mlucassr's Avatar
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    What's up Vincent I'm in SF, glad to see someone else from the Bay at SRP Hardcore Oaktown Raider fan, Happy shaves Bro

  9. #9
    Senior Member Augustagj's Avatar
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    Welcome Vincent. I am also from the Bay Area, but I have not lived there since 1989; a long time!

    Good luck.

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