Quote Originally Posted by JMcRae View Post
Wow, I take time out for a cigar/jacuzzi/whiskey break and already have some outstanding support !

First question: I wear a goatee and moustache - should that influence the razor I select?
As far as I can tell you no your mustache and goatee should not dictate what razor you go with. I have either a beard or goat at all times and I have a round point 5/8 dovo that does just fine or a 4/8 spike point that does just fine around what facial hair I choose to keep. Most of all pick what you like if it appeals to your personality and budget that is the one for you. I have only been at SR shaving since last Oct. and thanks to these fellas I have learned tons, great advice, go slow, if you are distracted by something don't put that blade to your face. At first it takes a lot of focus and that is ok, better than a nasty cut which you will knick yourself so plan on that a lot of suggestions on doing the area from your sideburn to your jaw line and it is good advice. Do/learn a section at a time and I will note only lather what area you are going to shave at first. That way your lather wont dry out by the time you get to it. Again congrats on getting here and enjoy the journey, if you can not have fun doing it then might as well not do it Best thing about a beard/goatee, it fits your face