
Thanks for having me. Lots of great info here!From my bio...

Father, Police Officer, Army Vet, Gunsmith. Almost 20 years as a police officer. Worked as police photographer, property officer, SWAT officer and current sniper team leader. 5 years in the US Army serving in 3/75 Ranger Regiment (Ft. Benning), 3rd ID, 2nd ID (Korea). Served as RTO, SAW gunner, M203 Gunner, team Ldr, Squad Ldr, sniper team member, Bradley driver and gunner.

Collect firearms, trained gunsmith. Glock, M16/M4/AR15 armorer. Hunt small game and Ohio whitetails. Owned a pet pig named Clint and a Doberman named Faust until they passed on (RIP) now own 4 pit bull rescues. Taking the plunge again in October after 10 years of being divorced. Have one teenaged daughter who is the best and soon to officially inherent 2 more daughters...oh boy! Soon to be is a dispatcher for the Sheriff's department. She puts up with my collections and hobbies Just began some basic woodworking and have too many hobbies! And now decided to try shaving with a straight razor!

again, thanks for the great information!