As a newbie here my self I can relate. I currently use a shavette (Dovo). A couple of things to keep in mind about them is that shavettes do NOT need to be stroped. You replace the actual blade in them while keeping the body. Many barbers use them. They work well in my experience. That also means that which blades you buy will make a HUGE difference in the shave and how long you can use the same blade. Blade choice probably makes more of a difference than what shavette you get, but I don't know seeing as I've always used my Dovo. In fact, availability of good blades is why I'm starting to look a going "all the way" into a true straight razor. I can tell you not to use the ones in the orange and black box from walmart and everywhere else in my area that are "ice tempered". I cant remember the brand name, sorry. But ultimately the choice is yours. I just wanted to give you some thoughts on the shavette side seeing as it appears everyone else here went straight for the straight. best of luck!