Hot diggity!!! Welcome aboard, fellow Hoosier!! And a fellow Chris, as well! We're on a roll, can we make it three?? What corner of this boot do you happen to hail from? I'm in Fort Wayne, but my family that I try to visit at least once a year is down 'round Evansville.

On the subject of 1 on 1 time: there are several currently active members between me & indy, with most of those few being around Anderson.

No real traction towards a full-on meetup, yet. But my hopes are high for the future... you'd think that Indiana being "The Crossroads of America" would make it easier for a multi-state gathering . Gotta keep reminding myself that I'm not paid to think .

I'd be willing to try to hone your GD. The known issues stated above do not bode well for a positive outcome. Also, the edges I've been able to put on my own razors is passable, but by no means a Lynn Abrams edge! I recently acquired a few fixer-uppers. Provided the wife is okay with it*, I might have an "ugly duckling" kicking around that I can try to put an edge on & loan out. It won't be the prettiest razor (or a Dubl Duck, sorry...), but it should give you a taste .

I can wax poetic on this plenty more later. For now, it's a bit past my bedtime. 12hrs at work tomorrow (later today), catch ya on the flip side!

*It's not often I spend money on myself beyond necessities of life, so SWMBO may not be fond of the idea of me possibly mailing out a piece of hobby stuffs that I spent limited funds on, for an undetermined amount of time. I'm not required to blindly follow her will & whims, but marriage is a relationship of respect.