Let me say that if profit is your motivation, then no. Don't bother. At the risk of sounding blunt: you don't know what you are getting into.

If you want to make razors commercially you need quite some equipment. You will need to do a lot of work before you become good enough to get decent prices. It's a money sink.

And then there is the cost of an accountant, miscellaneous costs and the fact that whatever you have left at the end of the year is subject to income tax.

Inventory is also quite expensive. Or it can be. I've been incorporated two years now. My net profit so far was a couple hundred annually. Taking my inventory into account, i am still several thousand in the hole.

The reason i got into this is that i wanted to take my hobby to a professional level and make it pay for itself while following my passion. And so far it is doing just that while enabling me to do things i could not do otherwise. Btw i had been dveloping skills and knowledge for almost a decade before making the jump.

I am all for following passion. But if you ask me if you can jump in without a lot of skill with the idea of making money of custom work if you don't even know if you can make blades or have the patience and dedication for investing years of your time... then no.

Passion leads to skill which may eventually lead to profit. Sometime in the far future. You can't skip to that last bit