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Thread: My initial intention was to 'save' money .... best laid plans

  1. #1
    Member 1981Eagle's Avatar
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    Default My initial intention was to 'save' money .... best laid plans

    So - here I am - another forum and another way to spend money

    I initially wanted to 'save' money and learn to shave with a straight. I read a little, and I didn't want to spend an arm and a leg, and I saw that some vintage steel was superior to some newer and cheaper razors being mass produced. I got a couple at a local antique shop and sent them off to be professionally sharpened and honed. I got them back, and promply lost my nerve, and sold them (at a loss)

    Part of the problem was that no matter how I held my hand, and my head, my hand seemed to block my vision and I couldn't see what I was doing. This led me to have day-time nightmares ... I had visions of arterial spray in the neck area and a fillet-of-cheek for breakfast. My wife even said she was going to put a video camera in the bathroom, so that when the police were here investigating the death, she could prove that I did it to myself and it wasnt a murder!

    One of my hobbies is yard sale-ing and I went a picked up a Henckels for 3.00 (and another with a broken blade also for 3.00) .... the Henckels box was in rough shape ... but the razor was sound .... I also bought a Gem SE Featherweight for 2.00 from the same guy (and a Fat Boy for 5.00) .... I was in heaven! In any case - I am not a straight shaver, and I didn't have any SE blades ... so I got some SE blades and sold both straights. When I got the SE blades, I tried and SE for the first time ... I really liked it. The stiffness of the blade compared to a DE gave a different feel. And one that I would bet feels more like a straight. But I had sold off the Henkels ... so I was back to not having a razor, and wanting to try one.

    So - yesterday (and in keeping with my personality) I figured ... 'in for a penny, in for a pound' and I commissioned a custom fixed blade straight. It will be here in a couple months. In the mean time ... I am a hobby machinist, and since I know what I am getting and how it will be made and sized ... I am going to make up a 'non sharpened' mock up. When I shave in the mornings - I will occasionally pull out my 'fake' razor and use it as a lather remover. Heck lather is cheap. This way I can work on hand positioning and what I think will be good angle development. I don't know if that is a good idea - or a bad idea ... and I don't know where my lack of confidence came from - after all - a lot of people shave with straights .... and you don't see that mentioned as the cause of death in many obituaries!

    Edit to note .... the 'day-time nightmares' was meant to be sarcasm and a little tongue in cheek
    Last edited by 1981Eagle; 06-19-2016 at 03:45 PM.

  2. #2
    Aspiring Shaver gflight's Avatar
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    Would have loved a mock up when I started. Since you have the capability and machinist hobby it makes it a three fer. Machinist, practice shaving and practice stropping.

    Have a great day...
    "When defeat comes, accept it as a signal that your plans are not sound,
    rebuild those plans, and set sail once more toward your coveted goal."

  3. #3
    Senior Member Wirm's Avatar
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    Welcome ! Congratulations on your new custom. Buying then selling then buying and selling your blades again tells me your may be overthinking the hazards of straight razor shaving. Watch the available shaving tutorials on youtube,read all you can concerning technique and take advantage of the Beginers Guide in the SRP library found at the top of the page. The Zen of Straight Shaving - Straight Razor Place Library

  4. #4
    Senior Member blabbermouth RezDog's Avatar
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    I guess if you have a lack of nerve it can interrupt your shaving. Most guys are stropping challenged to start with. When you get you razor there is a few things that will make your shave better. Keep the angle of your razor low and your skin tight. The skin tight is not shown well in many of the videos I have watched. The other thing is to keep the pressure very light, shave the lather and not the whiskers. All of this should be getting done while your lather is fairly wet and slick. It is not rocket science but it does take a little practice.
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  5. #5
    Member 1981Eagle's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wirm View Post
    Welcome ! Congratulations on your new custom. Buying then selling then buying and selling your blades again tells me your may be overthinking the hazards of straight razor shaving. Watch the available shaving tutorials on youtube,read all you can concerning technique and take advantage of the Beginers Guide in the SRP library found at the top of the page. The Zen of Straight Shaving - Straight Razor Place Library
    Thanks ... when I sold the Henckels I wasn't selling because I feared it in some way ... it was because I got it at a good deal and I had (at the time) given up on straights ... now I wish I hadn't sold it, it was in good shape and looked like it would hone up just fine.

    I think my main problem was that I gave up without really trying the first time. Heck ... that sentence should read, 'without trying at all' ... but with the DE and the SE, I do just fine, usually a really nice shave with just two passes. So there is no reason not to be able to do this as well. I think the sharp, fully exposed, blade it what 'looks scary' ... but I have taught handgun safety in the past and I told people that the main difference between a 1911 (45 ACP) and many other firearms (especially shotguns) is that on the 45 you can see the exposed cocked hammer and that 'looks scary' ... but on a shotgun (like a Remington 870) there is still a cocked hammer being secured by a safety ... you just can't see it - as it is internal. But no more or less safe really.

  6. #6
    Moderator rolodave's Avatar
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    welcome to the forum.

    some hands-on with an experienced user would definitely help.

    Here is a link to find members in your area.
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  7. #7
    Senior Member blabbermouth eddy79's Avatar
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    Hi and welcome aboard. I actually think I cut myself more using a de than a straight when learning. Both have only been nicks though and nothing worth mentioning. Start small and work your way into while still using the de. You will find it is easier than you think. Good luck and any questions feel free to ask
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  8. #8
    Senior Member blabbermouth celestino's Avatar
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    Welcome to the forum.
    Laughter, Love, & Shaving

    ~ Celestino ~

  9. #9
    Member 1981Eagle's Avatar
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    Thanks guys ... looking forward to learning a lot

  10. #10
    illegitimum non carborundum Utopian's Avatar
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    So you never have successfully shaved with a straight razor, but you have ordered a custom razor?

    Oh yeah, you're going to fit in just fine!

    Don't worry, it just takes practice and patience.
    mglindo likes this.

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