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Thread: Im here for a good time and a long time

  1. #1
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    Default Im here for a good time and a long time

    31 located in California, from Maine, lived all around. Was referred here by @karlej

    Wife purchased me a decent, disposable blade straight razor as I have talked about getting into straight razoring and just never had the time.

    Im fully bearded, love cleaning up my own lines vs my barber and here to absorb and add another "hobby" to my list.

    Also into (Tech, building custom keyboards (computer), spoon/small wood block carving, aviation).
    JOB15, petercp4e and outback like this.

  2. #2
    STF is offline
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    Hello bpendz,

    Pleased to meet you
    Stick around, there must be hundreds of years of combined straight razor experience here and I speak from experience when i say the guys will gladly help you to become really comfortable with a straight razor and answer any questions you think of.
    - - Steve

    You never realize what you have until it's gone -- Toilet paper is a good example

  3. #3
    ~ Life is but a Dream ~ petercp4e's Avatar
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    Hello and welcome to SRP.
    Enjoy your time here on the forum.

    Pete <:-}
    "Life is short, Break the Rules. Forgive quickly, Kiss Slowly,
    Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And never regret ANYTHING
    That makes you smile." - Mark Twain

  4. #4
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Welcome to the forum

    Life is a terminal illness in the end

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    Hones & Honing randydance062449's Avatar
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    Welcome to the forum.
    Lots of info & help here, just read the Library, search the forums and ask questions.
    We love razor Pics !
    Randolph Tuttle, a SRP Mentor for residents of Minnesota & western Wisconsin

  6. #6
    Senior Member blabbermouth outback's Avatar
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    Welcome aboard.

  7. #7
    Skeptical Member Gasman's Avatar
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    Welcome to SRP
    You say your wife got you a disposable blade razor? If so, its concidered a Shavette. What is the name of this razor as there are a dozen on the market now days. A shavette can be less kind to you than a real straight depending on what one it is and what blades it uses.

    Stick aound and we will be happy to help learn ya anything ya want and more than you want about this old way of shaving.
    It's just Sharpening, right?

  8. #8
    Senior Member blabbermouth eddy79's Avatar
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    Hi and welcome
    My wife calls me......... Can you just use Ed

  9. #9
    Senior Member blabbermouth PaulFLUS's Avatar
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    Welcome aboard. Lots of good information and good people here to help you learn it. Enjoy your stay.
    Iron by iron is sharpened, And a man sharpens the face of his friend. PR 27:17

  10. #10
    Home of the Mysterious Symbol CrescentCityRazors's Avatar
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    Welcome! Shavettes don't get a lot of respect in some circles but for what you are using it for, it might be very practical. And once you fully master the shavette, much of your technique will carry over into straight razor shaving. The shavette is actually slightly harder to use effectively than a proper straight razor, and of course much easier to maintain. Dull? Change the blade. Done. I have several, including a couple of Feather AC clones. In fact I just got a new one delivered yesterday and will probably try it out later this morning, from Amazon, a Feather lookalike branded "Facón", that uses half DE blades. I have another one sourced through AliExpress that also uses half DE blades, and also a more faithful clone that uses the regular Feather and Kai long AC type blades. Of the two styles, I prefer the half DE style, because blades are so much cheaper. Shave quality about the same, IME, but I use Feather DE blades.

    I don't use shavettes often, but occasionally it adds interest and they are handy for traveling. I don't feel poorly shaved, after using a shavette. Once in a long while I try one that I don't like, but not often, and even some very cheap ones (like $3 or so) can deliver. TBH I have never tried a genuine Feather AC which is what I assume you are using. They cost as much as a straight razor, and while quality is undeniable, they also undeniably cost 10x the competition's price. But who knows... I might get one some day.

    Anyway, you are in the right place, especially if you think you might upgrade to a straight razor some day. But if your results are satisfying with your shavette, no need to rush into that, IMHO. Happy Shaves!

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