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  1. #1
    Srt8 Noob
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    Default Eagerly Awaiting

    So I've been lurking around and researching both here and B&B for a while now, and have finally decided to join the fray. I've ordered my first razor, strop, and brush from Vintage Blades and have found myself very anxious for my first str8 shave!

    I feel like I've been through every wiki page and watched every honing/stropping/shaving/restoring video I can find. Most of my questions have been answered with the handy dandy search feature, but I'm sure moving from theory to practice will bring up plenty new ones!

    Right now at my options for soaps and creams. I'm getting a puck of bay rum soap but I'd like to have a few more options. I'm looking for options I can pick up locally. Something like CO Bigelow perhaps? Also looking for some good pre-shave ideas.

    What are your favorites that you don't have to wait 7-10 shipping days for?

    I'm glad to finally be a part of the community here! The best resources and the best group of guys!!


  2. #2
    This is not my actual head. HNSB's Avatar
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    Welcome to SRP!

    You are on the right track by reading as much as you can and watching the videos.
    As to soaps you can get locally... I can't help much with that; where I live I can't get anything locally.

    Welcome to the wonderful world of wet shaving!

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  3. #3
    They call me Mr Bear. Stubear's Avatar
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    It sounds like you've done your homework and are well on the way, which is great..! Until your kit arrives, watch as many shaving videos as you can find to get an idea of different approaches.

    Its a great hobby, and very enjoyable so we're glad you're here..!

    Good luck and keep us posted!

  4. #4
    Senior Member paco's Avatar
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    Welcome, seems as if your on your way with all the research you've been doing,. As for the soaps and creams i am not in your area so can't help ya there.
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  5. #5
    all your razor are belong to us red96ta's Avatar
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    If you want local, Walmart has the VDH soap, your supermarket will likely carry Williams, and if you have a gent's store in the mall (you know the ones that sell mall ninja pocket knives, cigars, and other stuff) you might get lucky and score some Col. Conk.

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