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  1. #1
    Local SRP Lurker borebrush's Avatar
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    Default I've done a lot of reading but never posted an official introduction.

    I just wanted to officially say hello to this absolutely wonderful resource and all those who make it possible. It's funny I'm not sure how long you've been around but I sure wish I had know about you when I was first interested in the mystical arts of cut-throat shaving. It was about ten years ago when my girlfriend, knowing of my interest, was kind enough to buy me a nice brand spanking new Dovo razor plus a badger brush & soap.

    When I saw them I was like Ralphy Christmas morning having just received the coveted RedRider bebe gun. However my first shave turned out to me a somewhat similar shot in the eye. At the time I knew nothing about wet shaving, lathering or even the need of stropping and more importantly the fact that shave ready was did not quite mean what it implies. I managed to scape the first 10 dermal layers of skin from my face and achieved such bad results I could actually count the hairs on my razor there where so few. I couldn't understand it, the whole "myth" of baby smooth shaves was out the window. Greatly puzzled, I set about finding out how to master this lost art. The problem was where do I go to learn. Hmm.... Maybe a barbershop? But after taking a moment to think about this I realized that finding a real barbershop was going to be a mission of equal task to my first. So to try and make a long story into a medium one I went back to said store, was sold various other overpriced incorrect things and shown the all important stropping & sharpening techniques; the need to hold the razor at a consistent 45º angle whenever I was stropping or honing. By know surely you can picture the disastrous results of this advice (for some of you, might even have wished it ended right there with a sliced jugular so that you could be spared from this epic diatribe). I must have returned to various branches of the same shop talking with various employee's and mangers alike all swearing up and down that they were experts, resumés almost in hand... Just as soon as far more important matters could be dealt with, the iminent conquest of an elusive three headed Hydra in The World of War Craft, a task which clearly dwarfed any of the inconveniences I had experienced during my 8 trips gathering, or should I say buying, the "necessary equipment" in order to maintain my razor. 2 Dovo razors, two strops, & one completely inappropriate 320 grit stone in order to achieve that final polish. Oh and I forgot to mention I even had them, cough "Excalibur Cutlery" do a professional honing job on the razor, at my expense of course. So I decided to throw in the towel, I had no idea whom to learn from, or that other people out there were actually interested in this stuff.

    Flash forward 10 years, the internet, and blamo, Heaven, information galore. To sum it up I guess I just wanted to say with my deepest gratitude THANK YOU to everyone who make this forum possible. Thank you for freely giving away the knowledge and skills acquired over sometimes 30 years. Especially a big thank you to Lynn for creating this wonderful sight and whose store i have already spent $800.00 (clearly a medical expense for the neurosis that develops causing uncontrollable urges to acquire more shaving stuff). I have since managed to learn what a sharp razor feels like. The Correct techniques for prepping, stropping, shaving, maintaining and honing. Questions that were always met with either an incorrect answer, I don't know, or do people still use those.


  2. The Following User Says Thank You to borebrush For This Useful Post:

    Disburden (05-09-2010)

  3. #2
    I Bleed Slurry Disburden's Avatar
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    That was a wonderful first post, thank you! You're in good company here and if you ever have any questions feel free to shoot me a pm. Welcome to the shaving obsession, soon you will pay 800.00 a month on a single hone!


  4. #3
    The Assyrian Obie's Avatar
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    Default I've done a lot of reading . . .

    Hello, borebrush:

    Welcome to Straight Razor Place, and thanks for your story. We look forward to reading future posts.

    By the way, the great Ludwig van Beethoven for an avatar is a fabulous choice.


  5. #4
    Shattered Logistics's Avatar
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    Welcome to SRP!

    Nice story and keep us posted on your shaving adventures!

    Mother: Ralphie, you're lucky it didn't cut your eye! Those icicles have been known to kill people.

  6. #5
    I Bleed Slurry Disburden's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obie View Post
    By the way, the great Ludwig van Beethoven for an avatar is a fabulous choice.


    I agree, a master of sound and movement!

  7. The Following User Says Thank You to Disburden For This Useful Post:

    Obie (05-09-2010)

  8. #6
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    Welcome to SRP ! I had a similar experience in trying to successfully shave with straight razors in the 1980s and failing. Coming to SRP opened the world of straights to me too. Smooth shaving.
    Be careful how you treat people on your way up, you may meet them again on your way back down.

  9. #7
    The Great & Powerful Oz onimaru55's Avatar
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    G'day & Welcome. Glad you sorted out that 45º thing
    The white gleam of swords, not the black ink of books, clears doubts and uncertainties and bleak outlooks.

  10. #8
    Local SRP Lurker borebrush's Avatar
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    Default Thank You all for the warm Welcome… I Think I'm going to like it here.

    Thank You everyone for taking the time to respond with your pleasantries and welcomes to the community.

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