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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Bay Area
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    Default What's up from Ca.

    Hi everyone,
    Glad to see there is a resource for this kind of thing. Yes, I'm brand new to the sport and have the scars to prove it.

    A little about myself. I'm 44 years, ex-military, and currently a cop. My uncle passed away recently and I inherited, of all things, his straight razor. More out of curiosity than anything else, I gave the thing a try. After I staunched the arterial bleeders and decided against calling 911, I set about trying to figure out how people manage this thing.

    Shortly thereafter, I aquired my great grandfather's 100 Y.O. razor. It is actually a good piece of equipment so I've been on the learning curve ever since. I also bought a brand new Dovo Astrale but I'm having a little trouble getting that dog to hunt. Any suggestions for a new razor would be appreciated.

    Thanks, Ken

  2. #2
    all your razor are belong to us red96ta's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Fresno, CA
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    Congrats and welcome to SRP!

    Did you get your Astrale from a reputable dealer? If you got a factory fresh, NIB Dovo, it's not shave ready. Head over to the classifieds and find someone to hone that guy up.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Bay Area
    Thanked: 0

    Default Thanks, Red

    Thanks for the tip.
    I just looked at the classifieds. A lot of good stuff.
    Think I may send the antique off too, just to clean it up and get a baseline for what the blade should be like. The Dovo is slowly coming along on the honing block but I think you're right, it should be done by a professional the first time.

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