Quote Originally Posted by LouG View Post
Well I tried shaving different parts of my face with st8 razor everyday this past week. I am improving, but also making some mistakes. I've watched the videos and now am trying to figure out my own techniques. I was having difficulty on which hand to use and also how to hold the razor. Again, I'm improving, but did nick myself pretty good a couple of times. Sure makes you respect that blade! I would recommend to others to follow the advice found on SRP and just do one part of your face and figure it out before you move onto the next part of your face. If you try to go too fast you'll pay the price.
Howdy lou,

Great to hear that your driving on with it, just ride through the mistakes, if you're like me you'll make many many more lol, but always remember every mistake is a little lesson that brings you ever closer to the nirvana of a great straight shave, and it is so worth it.

So accept the nicks, but don't fear the blade and you'll get there my good man.
