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Thread: Confused Newbie

  1. #1
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    Wink Confused Newbie

    Hello, My name is Tony. I live in S.California. I'm a Tech for NASA Jet Propulsion Labs. I'm a very part time bladesmith,in what spare time I have.
    I just ordered a Iwasaki Japanese straight razor. I am still in the process of reading as much as I can on this subject.
    I'm confuses about honing and stropping. The leather is the strop most used? Does it just get a conditioner on it? If the blade needs a little more then just the leather, do you then use the linen strop? Does the linen strop get abrasive paste, and if so which type. I know a 16000 stone isn't removing much metal, but how often do you go to the finishing stone for touch up? And what # stone should I have for honing. I have # 80 up to #6000 water stones but nothing over that. These are questions I have after reading the info here. I know I'll have more questions, and I will post theme in the straight razor section in the future.
    Can't wait for my new razor. Hope I don't cut my throat to bad.

  2. #2
    Senior Member blabbermouth hi_bud_gl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Guarnera View Post
    Hello, My name is Tony. I live in S.California. I'm a Tech for NASA Jet Propulsion Labs. I'm a very part time bladesmith,in what spare time I have.
    I just ordered a Iwasaki Japanese straight razor.
    wow newbie and you get one of the best?
    I am still in the process of reading as much as I can on this subject.
    I'm confuses about honing and stropping.
    everyone does don't worry about it
    The leather is the strop most used?
    everytime before shave
    Does it just get a conditioner on it?
    If the blade needs a little more then just the leather, do you then use the linen strop?
    at first you sue linen then leather side
    Does the linen strop get abrasive paste, and if so which type.
    you could put dovo wite paste it is your choose not must
    I know a 16000 stone isn't removing much metal, but how often do you go to the finishing stone for touch up?
    when you feel your razor start to pulling
    And what # stone should I have for honing.
    no striaght answer. you can have only barber hone and keep your blade shave ready forever. Or you could get HAD AND nothing will stop you buying stones
    I have # 80 up to #6000 water stones but nothing over that.
    you will need a little more finer one. some people does shave after 1 k too.
    These are questions I have after reading the info here. I know I'll have more questions, and I will post theme in the straight razor section in the future.
    Can't wait for my new razor. Hope I don't cut my throat to bad.
    hope it answers some of your questions.

  3. #3
    They call me Mr Bear. Stubear's Avatar
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    First of all welcome to the site!

    Thats a nice razor you have there, I have one as well and its a really great shaver! Check out JimR's video of a Kamisori shave in the videos forum as that will give you a good idea on how to shave with a Japanese razor. The technique is slightly different to a Western straight razor.

    I'll try to answer your questions in the order you asked them:

    - Yes, you use the leather strop before and after each shave.
    - A new strop can be conditioned by rubbing it before use with the palm of your hand. The oils in your skin will be more than enough to keep the leather in top condition. You dont need to add a conditioner unless the leather is in poor condition.
    - I actually use both the leather and fabric sides of my strop. I do 30 fabric and 60 leather before the shave, then 15 fabric and 30 leather afterwards to make sure the edge is clean and theres no microgunk on there. This works very well for me.
    - Dont paste your daily strop. If you want to make a pasted strop, you can do so cheaply and easily by making a pasted balsa strop at home.
    - You touch up the razor, either on a high grit stone or on a pasted strop, once the shave is not quite as good as it was. Basically once the razor starts to pull or not remove hair, or you have to use more pressure to get the same result. Then you give the razor half a dozen swipes on your finisher or pasted strop, then strop normally and shave.
    - Dont worry about honing now. For at least the first six months just focus on learning to shave. You wont need to rehone the razor unless you make a mistake like dinking it on the tap or rolling the edge whilst stropping, and in that instance you'd be better sending it out to a pro for honing.
    Also, there are different requirements around hones. Have a read of this Wiki article which explains more about which hones you might need once you get more into the hobby.
    - 6k grit is fine for knives but far too low for razors. You'll see more about the sorts of hone you need in the Wiki article I linked above. 80 grit is far too low for razors and 1k grit is typically used to set a bevel.

    I would still recommend that you dont get into honing yet. Learn to shave first, then start honing once you've decided hones are worth the investment because you like the hobby and you know what a good edge feels like.

    Also, where are you getting your razor from? It may need honing before use depending on where you got it.

    Other than that, good luck and keep us posted!

  4. #4
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    Default Thanks

    Thank you guy's for the reply. That was very helpful. I bought my Iwasaki from Huckleberry Vintage Fishing Supply, Mililani, Hawaii
    It says its comes very sharp? I thought all the Iwasaki's came shave ready. Thanks again. You will be hearing from me.

  5. #5

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    Question Moo Confused

    Ok, I've been reading away , and have a question. What does the following stand for, TNT, TPT, AHT, HHT ? Thank you all for the help. Especially about not worrying about honing for 6 months.

  7. #7
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Guarnera View Post
    Ok, I've been reading away , and have a question. What does the following stand for, TNT, TPT, AHT, HHT ? Thank you all for the help. Especially about not worrying about honing for 6 months.

    Hehehe even that is in our Wiki here at SRP

    Acronyms and Abbreviations - Straight Razor Place Wiki

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