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  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Madison, WI
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    Default Greetings from the Midwest

    I am ready to get rid of the "new" and back to the "old"! I would like stop buying razors blades and start using a straight razor. I am overwhelmed with all of the information on this site and would appreciate some guidance.

    First, I was given a Double Arrow razor, just like the one I found on Walt's post in the "Double Arrow Devotees" forum on 3/25/2009. It was my wife's grandfather's and is at least 20 years old. The blade is in good shape. From the information I have found on the site, this may not be a great choice with which to start. The blade does not seem all that great, but that is compared to some fine French kitchen knives my in-laws gave my wife, having replaced the set with Cutco, "the knives that never go dull but if they do you can send them to us and we'll sharpen them..." Not my idea of a good knife.

    Anyway, I hope I did not offend anyone right off!

    I would like suggestions on razors and directions to posts/websites for care. I have a beard and would just be shaving my neck and few straggler whiskers on my cheeks. I do have a Sears strop that came with the knife. Both the leather and the linen are in good shape. I have no idea how old it is but it has no nicks or cuts.


  2. #2
    Modine MODINE's Avatar
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    Lee's Summit, Missouri- (KC)
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    Welcome to SRP madtown1. Don't worry about offending anyone here we have pretty thick skins, pun intended. YOU need to make sure your razor is "shave ready" prior to even trying to shave. There are several members on this site that hone razors for a nominal fee.
    Also check out the Wiki section and Beginners section. It will answer many questions. Other members will chime in with the links; Depending on where you are located you may have an SRP Mentor or someone with more experience that can give you some guidance.

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