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  1. #1
    Cut-throat Beginner
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    Sep 2010
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    Default New Straight User

    So, I'm been lurking for a couple weeks now. I just started using a straight about 2 weeks ago and I love it. I've always used a Mach 3/5/Fusion/etc, and I've been getting worse and worse razor-rash. I got a Dovo Shavette to learn on and I plan on getting a real straight this Christmas. I also just noticed a thread about the Parker SRW and I ordered one since I've been having problems with the tip of my Shavette and getting around the nose.

    My only concern is, I'm in the Navy and I've got to figure out how I can use a straight razor onboard when I transfer back to a ship. I figure I'm going to get a DE and use that underway and scare everyone when we pull in by pulling out a regular straight razor.

    One question though. My Shavette uses a disposable blade. How often should I change it? It seems like a waste to change it after every shave but at the same time I don't want to shave with a bad blade. I've used it up to I think 3 times on the same blade once and didn't have any ill effects beyond the "normal" irritation I've been getting. I had some pretty bad razor-rash when I started and needless to say, using a straight razor over the razor-rash made it worse. I didn't shave since Thursday and today I shaved, to give my face a chance to heal up. Best shave I've had since I started. I figure it's a combination of practice and my face getting used to it.

  2. #2
    learning something new every day Deerhunter1995's Avatar
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    Default welcome

    Welcome to srp i am deerhunter and i am the youngest member here so far, I would like to welcome you to srp on behalf of all the other members here. As far as your shavett qustion, i would change the blade as soon as it starts tugging, But from what i hear a shavett is not the best thing to learn on, because a lot of people say the blade feels oversharp compared to a regular straight razor. I would recomend a nice vintage half hollow or full hollow straight. If you get on there are plenty of well know people on here that will hone it for you,

  3. #3
    all your razor are belong to us red96ta's Avatar
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    Fresno, CA
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    If you get a straight razor for Christmas, just make sure that it's shave ready and you'll be good to go. If you end up on a ship, a barber's hone will keep that razor shave ready for you indefinitely. All you need in your bag would be your soap, brush, and a travel strop.

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