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Thread: Hello From Ohio

  1. #1
    Junior Member Jfunk's Avatar
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    Dec 2010
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    Default Hello From Ohio

    Just introducing myself.

    As the father of two small and wonderful children, I have found that "me time" (which use to involve long motorcycle rides, beer, and guy nights out) has taken a back seat to "family time" (trips to the park, poopy diapers, and story-time). While kids are a great adventure, I have found that I need a certain level of personal self fulfillment. I have learned that the simple things in life are as important as the grand exploits of the past. I now drink only freshly ground shade grown coffee, I use nice pens, I have a nice glass of wine with dinner, I don't waste time on too much TV, etc.

    Part of this transformation was starting traditional shaving as part of my morning routine. Now, six months later, I am ready to move on from safety razors to a straight. While I am a little nervous, it seems like such a great was to get focused for the rest of my day.

    For Christmas, I asked my wife for the Ruprazor starter kit (I would have prefered a vintage razor, but it would have been a bit much to ask of my wife to research and purchase a razor on her own) and plan on having my first shave on the 26th.

    I am sure to have many questions so please bear with me...



  2. #2
    AKA "Padlock" LinacMan's Avatar
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    Welcome to SRP! Yes, it's interesting how life's priorities change. About 11 years ago when our first was about 6 months old I turned to my wife and said "Exactly what is it that we did before he was born?"

    I think you'll find straight razor shaving to be a great use of "me" time. It's one thing that is all about YOU, although some interruptions are bound to happen (see my post on page 6 of


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