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  1. #1
    Senior Member rgc58's Avatar
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    Default New guy Questions

    Hello, My name is Glenn and I just became a member after watching the site for some time. I have always liked SR and have a couple but have never tried to use one yet but its time to start. I do some woodworking and have used stones for sharpening for a long time so im practicing on my razors now. I have one razor that will pass the HHT almost. It cuts it but not as easy as the videos that i have seen. I dont have a strop or other gear yet but I am ready to start getting those things together. My stones are Kings and only go up to 6k so will I need to get a finer stone also. The markings on my razors are Simmons Hardware Co. 421 Barblr's Pet Germany and on the other razor its Geo. Wostenholm & Sons Celebrated IXL Razor Sheffield. Any help would be nice and this site is full of great info and people so I hope to be able to try out shaving the sideburns soon hopefully without butchering myself.

  2. #2
    'tis but a scratch! roughkype's Avatar
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    Hi Glenn, and welcome!

    I started messing with straight razors years ago but didn't really get traction 'til sometime in 2010, when I bought my first properly sharp blade. The other two I had were from an antique store and I sharpened them on a 1k/6k stone I had, like you, for woodworking tools.

    It sounds like you have a couple of nice razors to start with. I'd suggest sending one out for a professional honing, so you'll know how a proper edge should feel.

    You might put up a post in the honing forum to see what folks recommend for extending your hone collection into the straight razor range.

    You should have a strop in the house for when you've got a good shaving edge. If you haven't stropped anything before, practice with a butter knive for a while to lay in some muscle memory before you risk both strop and edge with the real thing.

    Starting at sideburns is the way to go. You'll do fine. Keep your old shaving gear around to take care of the tough spots, and extend your straight-razor shaving onto more of your face as you get more comfortable with it.

    Stretching the skin is way more important with the straight than with disposables--leads to better shaves and more comfortable ones too!

    Good luck and best wishes.
    "These aren't the droids you're looking for." "These aren't the droids we're looking for." "He can go about his business." "You can go about your business."

  3. The Following User Says Thank You to roughkype For This Useful Post:

    rgc58 (01-16-2011)

  4. #3
    Senior Member rgc58's Avatar
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    Default Wow that was a quick reply

    What a great place. I joined and posted and got a reply in 15 min. Thank you very much. I will take your advice and get one of my razors done by a pro and keep working on the other and also start stroping the ol butter knife on a belt untill I get real strop. Thank you again!

  5. #4
    Poor Fit
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    Cant really add much to what roughkype allready said...all good advice Welcome to SRP!

  6. The Following User Says Thank You to Catrentshaving For This Useful Post:

    rgc58 (01-16-2011)

  7. #5
    On the Hot Seat
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    I think you got the right answer. Welcome to srp

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