Hello, My name is Glenn and I just became a member after watching the site for some time. I have always liked SR and have a couple but have never tried to use one yet but its time to start. I do some woodworking and have used stones for sharpening for a long time so im practicing on my razors now. I have one razor that will pass the HHT almost. It cuts it but not as easy as the videos that i have seen. I dont have a strop or other gear yet but I am ready to start getting those things together. My stones are Kings and only go up to 6k so will I need to get a finer stone also. The markings on my razors are Simmons Hardware Co. 421 Barblr's Pet Germany and on the other razor its Geo. Wostenholm & Sons Celebrated IXL Razor Sheffield. Any help would be nice and this site is full of great info and people so I hope to be able to try out shaving the sideburns soon hopefully without butchering myself.