Hi Guys,

I'm totally new on the forum, since I'm retired now (since Monday, been in the Military for 36 years) I have lots more time to do things that I like. Just last month I restarted shaving with DE razor. Got myself a new Edwin Jagger DE89L and a Silvertip Badger EJ46 and some soaps and creams. I shaved with DE before when I was young, had no problems whatsoever even with Feather blades when I took it up again.

Would like to take the next step and shave with a SR. Have been looking at some SR with disposable blades like the shavette and the Feather AC because there is no need to hone or strop but I probably will go for a real SR. I tried it ones when I was in my 20's but it didn't work (the razor was probably not shave ready)

I found some very good tutorials and movies on the forum and I probably need to read up for a few weeks before buying anything. Since I need to learn a lot I won't buy anything expensive. As I live in Belgium I can get some good stones. Would like to thank all those here that provide so much useful information! Greetings from Belgium, Ron