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  1. #1
    Junior Member IceDragon's Avatar
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    Default Greetings and salutations from Alaska

    Hi guys, as stated in the thread title I am from alaska, born and raised. I have just barely started in this world, got a wet shave set from SRD for x-mas from my mom and dad, allthough I am in a stall point as my razor got dropped and now has a small nick in the blade and am refusing to shave with it until I can afford to send it off to Lynn or one of the other guys for honing or am able to buy a set of honing stones and have a go at it myself(having my fingers crossed that might be my birthday gift here soon seeings how my mom was asking alot of questions on that one, lol). Anyways, I did ALOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT of research on here before giving my folks the set I wanted and just want to say that the intel I have gathered so far has been apsolutely awsome. Happy shaving


  2. #2
    Poor Fit
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    Hello and welcome to SRP! Maybe look into it...I could be wrong..but if I remember correctly around Christmas time SRD was offering free honing for life if you bought a razor from them..or at least you get your next honing free

  3. #3
    Senior Member mretzloff's Avatar
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    Welcome to Straight Razor Place!

  4. #4
    Senior Member takedeadaim's Avatar
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    Default Welcome

    Cool Alaska, I get up there a couple times a year to teach at a shooting school. Very nice to have you with us.

  5. #5
    Junior Member IceDragon's Avatar
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    thank you for the welcome, my mom was thinking that I had a free honing as well, but she couldn't find anything that stated that for sure.....I guess I will have to converse with the guys at SRD and find out, cause I would really like to continue shavig with it so I can get practice, only got 3 shaves in with it before it got the nick in it, lol

  6. #6
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    Welcome to SRP Kenny. You do get at least one free honing and like Catrentshaving said, if it was bought during the holidays it is for life. Not sure whose life .... yours or Lynn and Don's but for life.

    I have a friend who lives in Fairbanks and works at the university. Hardy bunch of people you Alaskans.
    Be careful how you treat people on your way up, you may meet them again on your way back down.

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