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Thread: stone addict

  1. #1
    rock collector infamous's Avatar
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    Default stone addict

    Hello everyone. I collect Japanese sharpening stones and kitchen knives. I have been hand sharpening for a year or two. I recently decided to get into razors. I was really bored one day so I decided to try shaving with a fujiwara petty knife. I didn't have any shaving cream because I have always used an electric. I got a pretty close shave so I decided that it must be even better with shaving cream and a real razor. I think deep down I just wanted a reason to buy a really hard stone.

    A week later I had spent every penny I had on stones and razors and none of them had even arrived yet. I have a brush and some shaving soap on the way too.

    I have 2 swedish razors and a kamisori on the way. I also ordered a very hard stone from maksim, and a bunch of naguras for good measure. I got hooked on buying naguras so I bought like 3 more tomonagura off ebay and 1 from aframestokyo.

    If you can't tell, I have a problem. I almost won an auction for a nice red koppa sized suita that alex had up. But I was stuck at work and it went so cheap. Anyway, yeah I'm addicted to Japanese stones and sharpening things on them. Oh and I got a beater german razor for 99 cents that I'm going to practice on.

  2. #2
    They call me Mr Bear. Stubear's Avatar
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    It sounds like you'ev jumped in with both feet, which is great! Have a read of the Wiki and other articles in my sig line as they will really help you on your way.

    Other than that, have a look around the forums and ask if there is anything you cant find.

    You'e in good hands here, we all enable each other lol..!

    Good luck and keep us posted!

  3. #3
    Senior Member blabbermouth Kees's Avatar
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    @ infamous,

    Welcome! Be warned though: AD's (Acquisition Disorders) tend to get worse!
    Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose. Jean-Baptiste Alphonse Karr.

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