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  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Thanked: 0

    Thumbs up Hello to All from Cornwall UK

    Hi everybody,
    After a lifetime of shaving using all the modern multi-bladed gadgets, and hating it; I have finally made the best decision I could and taken to SE shaving
    I spent a long time looking at all the different Razors, Brushes, Strops, Cremes etc and became really confused with what sometimes was contradictary advice
    But finally and with great relief I found this Forum and managed to get my head up above the clouds
    I have just finished watching the video made by Lynn Abrams and found it most helpfull and inspiring, thanks to Lynn.
    I've already used his advice to purchase some bits and pieces. And also I have now got a clear idea of when and how to strop and when to hone. (All those different pastes!).
    Anyway I just thought that I would say hello and break the ice as it were.
    Looking forward to a long and helpful association, and if any of you are ever down in sunny Cornwall (its raining at present)please drop in for a "cuppa".

  2. #2
    The Electrochemist PhatMan's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Hastings, UK
    Thanked: 527



    Welcome and hello from darkest Hastings (been raining all week !!)

    Just in case you didn't know we have some great resources shave wise in the UK :

    Mr Neil Miller - hand made straight razor strops, razor pouches, shaving accessories, vintage razors, razor honing and restoration Vintage straights, strops (the best !!), honing etc

    Mr Steve Dempster Introduction to razors Vintage straights, new Dovo & TI straights, honing etc

    Mr Mayhew Welcome To Connaught Shaving safety razors, blades, soaps, creams, colognes etc - all you need shave-wise !!

    Mr Dave Glynn Modern and Vintage Safety Razors, Shaving Brushes, Creams and Soaps - vintage & new safety razors etc - An excellent source of vintage safety razors in the UK.

    Have fun !

    Best regards


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