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  1. #1
    Jim S.
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    Default The more I read, the more certain I should be using the straight blade

    My dad always used an electric or some sort of disposable, so I did to. I'm tired of the razor burn and only getting a good shave though, so I think it is about time for a change.

    I've been doing some research, and my biggest question is how to pick out the right razor. I'm something of a cook and outdoorsman, so knife maintenance and sharpening is nothing new. I'll admit to having used a VERY well sharpened knife once on the trail to shave when things were getting out of hand.

    The hardest thing seems to be picking out the right razor, since as far as I can tell from what I've read it is very personal. If anyone has a recommendation on a good old fashioned steel blade, with good balance and a bit on the heavier side (the way I like my knives) I would greatly appreciate the advice.

    Looking forward to my first real shave,

  2. #2
    illegitimum non carborundum Utopian's Avatar
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    It won't really be personal until you have tried a few and experimented to see what you like. Bigger and heavier is not always better for razors, but have fun trying them all, or at least a few.

  3. #3
    ..mama I know we broke the rules... Maxi's Avatar
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    If I had to do it all over again, right from the's what I'd do:

    -I'd look for a round point razor (a little easier to use at the beginning b/c there is no "point")
    - something that is a full hollow ground
    - a model that is 5/8 or 6/8 in width
    - a shave ready version of whatever it is you purchase....not "factory shave ready"....I mean "really shave ready"
    - I bought one before I found this place, so I blew too much cash: Check the Classifieds section before anything else, our vendors are reputable.

    hmmmm....get some good soap. Proraso is a good start, easy to lather, plenty of moisture and glide.

    and....get a good strop right off the bat. That piece of equipment will be worth its weight in gold. You will nick it, certainly. It adds character. But....if you are concerned about it, SRD's website has the option to purchase replaceable leathers for literally the same price as a cheap "starter strop" would have cost you. Might as well get a good one right away.

  4. #4
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    Once you get the itch to try a straight razor that itch will NOT go away, trust me. You might as well just buy a kit and get it over with....

    Of course, I was only half joking. I'm not sure that a first razor purchase is something "very personal", but if the AD's (acquisiton disorders) really kick in you'll end up with several different kinds of razors anyway. In that case Maxi offers some good advice, buy zsomething middle of the road so you can branch out later

    Welcome to SRP!

  5. #5
    Senior Member
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    Welcome to Straight Razor Place and I'm sure these guys can steer you in the right direction !

  6. #6
    Senior Member blabbermouth ScoutHikerDad's Avatar
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    A lot of guys, myself included, start out with a Dovo Best Quality 5/8"; the SRD website often has specials and sales, and you are guaranteed to get a shave-ready razor that is still one of my favorite shavers. But yes, there are often some great deals on our own classifieds. Sometimes really unbelievable low prices on some great razors guys just need to get rid of-those tend to go fast!

    Tell us what you end up with, and welcome to SRP and "the dark side" of shaving.
    There are many roads to sharp.

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