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Thread: Beginner in Alabama

  1. #1
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    Default Beginner in Alabama

    I've been wet shaving for about 2 years with my DE razor and have been learning the ropes of straight shaving from LinacMan over the last several weeks. I have to give a huge thanks to him and to LarryAndro for getting me set up with my first straight razor and strop.

    I have medium thick facial hair and really swirly growth patterns on my neck. Recently, I have let the beard grow out and I've focused on getting a better shave on my neck. So far, the number of passes to get a really close shave results in too much irritation to be worth it. Almost every direction catches some hairs against the grain.

    Anyway, I'm a beginner with straights and have a lot of practice ahead of me. Thanks again to Greg and Larry for the strong start, and I look forward to learning more.

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  2. #2
    Well Shaved Gentleman... jhenry's Avatar
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    Welcome to SRP. Happy to have you aboard.

    As for your neck...I wouldn't worry or overly focus on that area of your face if you are a new straight razor shaver. Going over it again and again will not improve things and will only result in skin irritation. The fact that your hair grows in different directions means that you won't get a really close shave in that area at first.

    Once you have gained some experience with your straight razor and perfected your shaving technique on other parts of your face, try shaving against the grain on your neck. Lynn's cd shows how to do so. It is the only way I found that I can get a smooth shave on that area of my face.

    Take care chief--and smooth shaving.
    "Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don't mind, it doesn't matter." Mark Twain

  3. #3
    ace is offline
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    I agree. I'd save the more advanced techniques until you are more advanced yourself. I found myself learning new techniques at 50, 100, and 150 shaves. I'm glad I didn't try them earlier. Concentrate on the basics, give yourself time and avoid the irritation, both kinds.
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  4. #4
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  5. #5
    Texas Guy from Missouri LarryAndro's Avatar
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    Enjoy your hunt for the good shave. Everyone here will help if you get hung up.

  6. #6
    AKA "Padlock" LinacMan's Avatar
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    A formal Welcome Aboard, Jordan! I have Lynn's DVD, and as you know what's mine is yours. I'm glad that I've managed to encourage you to make the switch to straights and not scared you away from them

    Don't be afraid to post questions. There are a lot of great guys on SRP who know way more than me about straight razor shaving.

    Let me know when you're ready to teach me how to use a DE


    P.S. - Thanks for being brave enough to be the first person I've shaved with a straight other than myself!

  7. #7
    what Dad calls me nun2sharp's Avatar
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    Its really not necessary to go for a BBS on the neck, afterall its the face that counts. I simply start at the base of the neck and shave upwards towards the jawline, one pass should be enough and minimal irratation.
    It is easier to fool people than to convince them they have been fooled. Twain

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