Hi everyone

Finally i got the time to look closer at my shavings atm i use gilette as so many others, but not without problems though.

When i use a regular shaver i often get very red and irritated skin, not to mention a ingrown hair a few times a year.

The reason i got here, was that i read an article from a barber that claimed that when one have learned to use a straight razor, then those problems wouldnt be as bad, since this razor is a lot sharper. dont know if any of you can tell me if this is true or not, still ike the idea of a straight razor though

Well im from Denmark, and dont know any barbers nearby me, but i am going to Chicago for 3 weeks soon, and i have considered getting an appointment at a barber there, just to try the feel of the straight razor, if i like it, i need to find a shop to buy what i need.

Im allready sharpening kitchen knifes, and can get to an amazing sharpnes (im a food geek), and just ordered new stones to get delivered to my hotel (sharpton glasstones 3000 and 8000 grit) so i got some of the equipment allready (i know its completely different kind of sharpening)

Well i think that pretty much told what im here for
